Well-being and Eudaimonia

Bradshaw, E. L.Anderson, J. R.Banday, M. A. J.Basarkod, G. (2024) A quantitative meta-analysis and qualitative meta-synthesis of aged care residents’ experiences of autonomy, being controlled, and optimal functioning. The Gerontologist, 64(5) ,gnad135

Adams, M. A., Weinstein, N. (2024) Need satisfaction in daily well-being: Both social and solitude contexts contribute to well-being. PsyArXiv Preprint, Advance online publication

Zhang, Z.Lv, J.Jiang, T.Chen, X. (2024) Motivation matters: Autonomous motivation sustains the happiness from prosocial behavior. Motivation Science, 10(2) ,100–109

Slemp, G.Field, J. G., Ryan, R. M.Forner, V. M. (2024) Interpersonal supports for basic psychological needs and their relations with motivation, well-being, and performance: A meta-analysis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Advance Online

Grassinger, R.Landberg, M.Määttä, S.Vasalampi, K. (2024) Interplay of intrinsic motivation and well‐being at school. Motivation and Emotion, 48 ,147-154

Ferguson, R. J.Schattke, K.Paulin, M.Dong, W. (2024) Integrated self-determined motivation and charitable causes: The link to eudaimonia in humanistic management. Humanistic Management Journal, Advance Online ,1-11

Holding, A. C.Lavigne, G.Vermette, L.Carbonneau, N. (2024) Motivation to regulate eating behaviors, intuitive eating, and well-being: A dyadic study with mothers and adult daughters. Appetite, 199 ,107403

Vallerand, R. J., Robichaud, J-M.Rahimi, S.Bélanger, J. J. (2024) Who’s the happiest and why? The role of passion and self-regulation in psychological well-being. Motivation and Emotion, Advance online publication

Sezer, B.Riddell, H.Gucciardi, D. F., Sheldon, K. M. (2024) Goal motives, approach/avoidance appraisals, psychological needs, and well-being: A systematic review and meta-Analysis. Motivation Science, Advance Online

Neufeld, A., Rigby, C. S. (2024) Autonomy versus independence: Implications for resident and faculty engagement, performance, and well-being. HCA Healthcare Journal of Medicine, 5(3) ,209-213

Bradshaw, E. L., DeHaan, C. R.Parker, P. D., Curren, R. (2023) The perceived conditions for living well: Positive perceptions of primary goods linked with basic psychological needs and wellness. Journal of Positive Psychology, 18(1) ,44-60

Bradshaw, E. L.Conigrave, J. H.Steward, B. A.Ferber, K. A. (2023) A meta-analysis of the dark side of the American dream: Evidence for the universal wellness costs of prioritizing extrinsic over intrinsic goals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 124(4) ,873-899

Martela, F.Lehmus-Sun, A.Parker, P. D.Pessi, A. B. (2023) Needs and well-being across Europe: Basic psychological needs are closely connected with well-being, meaning, and symptoms of Depression in 27 European countries. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 4(5) ,501–514

Peters, D. (2023) Wellbeing supportive design – Research-based guidelines for supporting psychological wellbeing in user experience. , International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction , 39(14) (pp. 2965-2977) doi: 10.1080/10447318.2022.2089812

Kleinkorres, R.Stang-Rabrig, J.McElvany, N. (2023) The longitudinal development of students’ well-being in adolescence: The role of perceived teacher autonomy support. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 33(2) ,496-513

Martela, F., Ryan, R. M. (2023) Clarifying eudaimonia and psychological functioning to complement evaluative and experiential well-being: Why basic psychological needs should be measured in national accounts of well-being. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 18(3) ,1121–1135

Arvanitis, A.Stichter, M. (2023) Why being morally virtuous enhances well-being: A self-determination theory approach. Journal of Moral Education, 52(3) ,362-378

Coxen, L.van der Vaart, L., Van den Broeck, A.Rothmann, S. (2023) What matters more for daily well- and ill-being? The dual pathways of daily need satisfaction and frustration. Current Psychology: A Journal for Diverse Perspectives on Diverse Psychological Issues, 42 ,32552–32565

Manganelli, L., Forest, J. (2022) Using Self-Determination Theory to understand when and how money buys happiness: A cross-sectional and intervention study. , Applied Research in Quality of Life , 17 (pp. 31-56) doi: 10.1007/s11482-020-09875-6

Titova, M., Sheldon, K. M. (2022) Happiness comes from trying to make others feel good, rather than oneself. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 17(3) ,341-355

Lee, E. S.Maillet, M. A., Grouzet, F. M. (2022) Why do individuals engage with the natural world? A self-determination theory perspective on the effect of nature engagement and well-being. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 17 ,1501–1532

Curren, R.Barber, Z., Ryan, R. M. (2022) Moral character education after COVID-19: An interview. Philosophical Inquiry in Education, 29(1)

Lataster, J.Reijinders, J.Janssens, M.Simons, M. (2022) Basic psychological need satisfaction and well-being across age: A cross-sectional general population study among 1709 Dutch speaking adults. Journal of Happiness Studies, 23 ,2259-2290

Bülow, A.Neubauer, A. B., Soenens, B.Boele, S. (2022) Universal ingredients to parenting teens: Parental warmth and autonomy support promote adolescent well-being in most families. Scientific Reports, 12 ,16836

Barthelmäs, M.Kesberg, R.Hermann, A.Keller, J. (2022) Five reasons to cry—FRC: a taxonomy for common antecedents of emotional crying. Motivation and Emotion, 46(3) ,404-427

Horner, D. E.Sielaff, A.Greenberg, J. (2022) Self‐determined immortality: Testing the role of autonomy in promoting perceptions of symbolic immortality and well‐being. Motivation and Emotion, 46 ,429–446

Houlfort, N.Cécire, P., Koestner, R.Verner-Filion, J. (2022) Managing the work‐home interface by making sacrifices: Costs of sacrificing psychological needs. Motivation and Emotion, 46 ,658-671

Erdmann, E.Dienlin, T. (2022) Binge-watching, self-determination, and well-being: A partially successful direct replication and extension of Granow et al. (2018). Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications, 34(6) ,383-394

Yang, Y.Cai, H.Yang, Z.Zhao, X. (2022) Why does nature enhance psychological well-being? A self-determination account. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 83 ,101872

Kukita, A.Nakamura, J.Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2022) How experiencing autonomy contributes to a good life. Journal of Positive Psychology, 17 (1) ,34-45

De Clercq, L. E., Soenens, B.Dieleman, L. M.Prinzie, P. (2021) Parenting and child personality as modifiers of the psychosocial development of youth with cerebral palsy. Child Psychiatry and Human Development,

Martela, F., Ryan, R. M. (2021) If giving money to Red Cross increases well-being, does taking money from the Red Cross increase ill-being? – Evidence from three experiments. Journal of Research in Personality, 93 ,104114

Gleeson, J. F. M.Eleftheriadis, D.Santesteban-Echarri, O.Koval, P. (2021) Positive and meaningful lives: Systematic review and meta‐analysis of eudaimonic well‐being in first‐episode psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 15(5) ,1072-1091

Martela, F., Ryan, R. M. (2021) In selecting measures for a comprehensive assessment of well-being, it is essential to include indicators of psychological need satisfaction. Preventive Medicine, 23 ,101474

Martela, F., Ryan, R. M. (2020) Distinguishing between basic psychological needs and basic wellness enhancers: the case of beneficence as a candidate psychological need. Motivation and Emotion, 44(1) ,116-133

Peters, D.Ahmadpour, N.Calvo, R. A. (2020) Tools for wellbeing-supportive design: Features, characteristics, and prototypes. Multimodal Technologies Interact, 4(3) ,40

Weinstein, N.Bharucha, Z.Watson, D.Boehm, S. (2020) Participation in local food projects is associated with better psychological well-being: Evidence from the East of England. Journal of Public Health, 42 ,187-197

Cantarero, K.van Tilburg, W. A. P.Smoktunowicz, E. (2020) Affirming basic psychological needs promotes mental well-being during the COVID-19 outbreak. Social Psychological and Personality Science, ,1-8

Tang, M.Wang, D.Guerrien, A. (2020) A systematic review and meta-analysis on basic psychological need satisfaction, motivation, and well-being in later life: Contributions of self-determination theory. PsyCh Journal, 9 (1) ,5-33

De Clercq, L. E.Dieleman, L. M., Van der Kaap-Deeder, J., Soenens, B. (2020) Negative controlling parenting and child personality as modifiers of psychosocial development in youth with autism spectrum disorder: A 9-year longitudinal study at the level of within-person change. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders,

Van der Kaap-Deeder, J., Soenens, B.Van Petegem, S.Neyrinck, B. (2020) Live well and die with inner peace: The importance of retrospective need-based experiences, ego integrity and despair for late adults’ death attitudes. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 91 ,104184

Kim, D. D. E. (2020) The search for pleasure and meaning on TV, captured in-app: Eudaimonia and hedonism effects on TV consumption as self-reported via mobile app. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 64(5) ,693-713

Fabian, M.Bring, R.De Neve, J-E. (2020) Eudaimonic well-being and the Trump vote: Unearthing the psychological roots of racialized economics. Brookings Insitution, May

Holding, A. C.Fortin, J-A., Carpentier, J.Hope, N. (2020) Letting go of gold: Examining the role of autonomy in elite athletes’ disengagement from their athletic careers and well-being in retirement. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 14(1) ,88–108

Wray-Lake, L., DeHaan, C. R.Shubert, J., Ryan, R. M. (2019) Examining links from civic engagement to daily well-being from a self-determination theory perspective. Positive Psychology, 14(2) ,166-177

Martela, F., Sheldon, K. M. (2019) Clarifying the concept of well-being: Psychological need-satisfaction as the common core connecting eudaimonic and subjective well-being. Review of General Psychology, 23(4) ,458-474

Van den Broeck, A.Schreurs, B.Proost, K.Vanderstukken, A. (2019) I want to be a billionaire: How do extrinsic and intrinsic values influence youngsters’ well-being?. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 682(1) ,204-219

Girouard, S., Forest, J. (2018) A career path leading to well-being and success. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences,

Behzadnia, B., Ryan, R. M. (2018) Eudaimonic and hedonic orientations in physical education and their relations with motivation and wellness. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 49(5) ,363-385

Van Assche, J., Van der Kaap-Deeder, J.Audenaert, E.De Schryver, M. (2018) Are the benefits of autonomy satisfaction and the costs of autonomy frustration dependent on individuals’ autonomy strength?. Journal of Personality, 86 ,1017-1036

Weinstein, N., Stone, D. (2018) Need depriving effects of financial insecurity: Implications for well-being and financial behaviors. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 147(10) ,1503-1520

Y, Shi, Levesque, C. S.Maeda, Y. (2018) General need for autonomy and subjective wellbeing: A meta-analysis of studies in the US and East Asia. Journal of Happiness Studies, 19(6) ,1863-1882

Legate, N., Ryan, R. M.Rogge, R. D. (2017) Daily autonomy support and sexual identity disclosure predicts daily mental and physical health outcomes. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 43(6) ,860-873

Brown, D.Arnold, R.Fletcher, D., Standage, M. (2017) Human thriving: A conceptual debate and literature review. European Psychologist, 22(3) ,167-179

Van der Kaap-Deeder, J.Audenaert, E.Vandevelde, S., Soenens, B. (2017) Choosing When Choices Are Limited: The Role of Perceived Afforded Choice and Autonomy in Prisoners’ Well-Being. Law and Human Behavior, 41(6) ,567-578

Legault, L.Ray, K.Hudgins, A.Pelosi, M. (2017) Assisted vs. asserted autonomy satisfaction: Their unique associations with wellbeing, integration of experience, and conflict negotiation. Motivation and Emotion, 41(1) ,1-21

Thogersen-Ntoumani, C.Dodos, L., Chatzisarantis, N. L., Ntoumanis, N. (2017) A diary study of self-compassion, upward social comparisons, and body image-related outcomes. Applied Psychology: Health And Well-Being, 9(2) ,242-258

Bouizegarene, N.Bourdeau, S.Leduc, C.Gousse-Lessard, A-S. (2017) We are our passions: The role of identity processes in harmonious and obsessive passion and links to optimal functioning in society. Self and Identity, 17(1) ,56-74

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Philippe, F. L.Bernard-Desrosiers, L. (2017) The odyssey of episodic memories: Identifying the paths and processes through which they contribute to well-being. Journal of Personality, 85 ,518-529

Houle, I., Philippe, F. L. (2017) Need satisfaction in episodic memories impacts mood at retrieval and well-being over time. Personality and Individual Differences, 105 ,194-199

Ryan, R. M., Di Domenico, S. I.Ryan, W. S., Deci, E. L. (2017) In F. Guay, H. W. Marsh, D. McInerney, & R. Craven (Eds.), Pervasive influences on wellness and thriving: Cultural, political, and economic contexts and the support of basic psychological needs. Information Age Press 6 ,199-232

Ryan, R. M., Martela, F. (2016) In J. Vittersø (Ed.), Eudaimonia as a way of living: Connecting Aristotle with self-determination theory. (pp. 109 - 122) New York, NY: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-42445-3_7

Martela, F., Ryan, R. M. (2016) The benefits of benevolence: Basic psychological needs, beneficence, and the enhancement of well-being. Journal of Personality, 84(6) ,750-764

DeHaan, C. R.Hirai, T., Ryan, R. M. (2016) Nussbaum’s capabilities and self-determination theory’s basic psychological needs: Relating some fundamentals of human wellness. Journal of Happiness, 5 ,2037-2049

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Krieger, L. S., Sheldon, K. M. (2015) What makes lawyers happy?: A data-driven prescription to redefine professional success. George Washington Law Review, 83 ,554-627

Schultz, P. P.Ryan, R. M. (2015) The "why," "what," and "how" of healthy self-regulation: Mindfulness and well-being from a self-determination theory perspective. In B. D. Ostafin, M. D. Robinson & B. P. Meier (Eds.), The “why,” “what,” and “how” of healthy self-regulation: Mindfulness and well-being from a self-determination theory perspective. , Handbook of mindfulness and self-regulation (pp. 81-94) New York, NY: Springer Science + Business Media.

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Sheldon, K. M.Krieger, L. (2014) Walking the talk: Value importance, value enactment, and well-being. Springer Motivation and Emotion, 38 ,609-619

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