Goals Values and Aspirations

Codina, N.Castillo, I.Pestana, J. V.Valenzuela, R. (2024) Time perspectives and procrastination in university students: Exploring the moderating role of basic psychological need satisfaction. BMC Psychology, 12(5)

Bradshaw, E. L.Ferber, K. A., Ryan, R. M. (2024) Seeking solitude skills: Do memories of intrinsic goals enhance enjoyment of alone time?. Journal of Personality, Advance online publication

Riddell, H.Sedikides, C.,Gucciardi, D. F.Sezer, B. (2024) Goal motives, mental contrasting with implementation intentions, and the self-regulation of saving goals: A longitudinal investigation. Motivation Science, 10(1) ,28–39

Riddell, H.Lamont, W.Lombard, M.Paduano, S. (2024) Autonomous motivation promotes goal attainment through the conscious investment of effort, but mental contrasting with implementation intentions makes goal striving easier. The Journal of Social Psychology, 164(2) ,230-243

Holding, A. C.Cunningham, C., Koestner, R.Oettingen, G. (2024) Owning the plan: The role of autonomous if-then planning for goal progress and action crisis. Personality and Individual Differences, 223 ,112617

Bradshaw, E. L.Conigrave, J. H.Steward, B. A.Ferber, K. A. (2023) A meta-analysis of the dark side of the American dream: Evidence for the universal wellness costs of prioritizing extrinsic over intrinsic goals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 124(4) ,873-899

Clegg, K-A.Levine, S.Zuroff, D. C.Holding, A. C. (2023) A multilevel perspective on self‐determination theory: Predictors and correlates of autonomous and controlled motivation. Motivation and Emotion, 47 ,229-245

Barberis, N., Costa, S.Castiglione, C. (2023) Xenophobia and Xenophilia, the bright and dark sides of attitude towards foreigners: A Self-Determination Theory approach. Psychological Reports, Advance Online ,1-24

Audet, E.Dubois, P.Levine, S., Koestner, R. (2023) Autonomy support for the academic goal pursuit and subjective well-being of students with disabilities. Gogent Mental Health, 2(1)

Bradshaw, E. L. (2023) In R. M. Ryan (Ed.), Causes, costs, and caveats: Reflections, and future directions for goal contents theory. Oxford University Press.. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197600047.013.7

Neufeld, A. (2023) Life aspirations and health in Canada: A patient-oriented study. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, In Press

Riddell, H.Sedikides, C.Gucciardi, D. F.Jackson, D. (2023) Motives and Mental Contrasting With Implementation Intentions Predict Progress and Management of Goals in Parents. Motivation Science, 9(2) ,144-155

Moller, A. C., Olafsen, A. H.Jager, A. J.Kao, A. C. (2022) Motivational mechanisms underlying physicians’ occupational health: A self-determination theory perspective. Medical Care Research and Review, 79(2) ,255-266

Audet, E. C.Levine, S. L.Holding, A. C.Powers, T. A. (2022) Navigating the ups and downs: Peer and family autonomy support during personal goals and crises on identity development. Self and Identity, 21(4) ,456-473

Busque-Carrier, M., Ratelle, C. F.Le Corff, Y. (2022) Work values and job satisfaction: The mediating role of basic psychological needs at work. Journal of Career Development, 49(6) ,1386-1401

Behzadnia, B.Alizadeh, E., Haerens, L.Aghdasi, M. T. (2022) Changes in students’ goal pursuits and motivational regulations toward healthy behaviors during the pandemic: A Self-Determination Theory perspective. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 59 ,102131

Davids, E. L. (2022) The interaction between basic psychological needs, decision-making and life goals among emerging adults in South Africa. Social Sciences, 11(7) ,316

Holding, A. C.Moore, A.Verner-Filion, J.Kachanoff, F. (2022) Choosing to lose it: The role of autonomous motivation in goal disengagement. Motivation and Emotion, Advance online publication

Chu, T. L.Zhang, T. (2022) Motivational processes in college freshmen’s exercise participation: A goal content theory perspective. Journal of American College Health, 70(6) ,1794-1802

Riddell, H.Sedikides, C.Gucciardi, D. F.Ben, J. (2022) Goal motives and mental contrasting with implementation intentions facilitate strategic goal persistence and disengagement. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 52 ,1094–1116

Nishimura, T., Bradshaw, E. L., Deci, E. L., Ryan, R. M. (2021) Satisfaction of basic psychological needs in an interdependence model of fathers’ own aspirations and those of their adolescent children. Social Development, 30(1) ,293-310

Bradshaw, E. L.Sahdra, B. K.Ciarrochi, J.Parker, P. D. (2021) A configural approach to aspirations: The social breadth of aspiration profiles predicts well-being over and above the intrinsic and extrinsic aspirations that comprise the profiles. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 120(1) ,226-256

Tessier, J., Joussemet, M.Kurdi, V., Mageau, G. A. (2021) Adolescents “walking the talk”: How value importance and enactment relate to well-being and risk-taking. Motivation and Emotion,

Moore, A. M.Holding, A. C.Buchardt, L., Koestner, R. (2021) On the efficacy of volitional personality change in young adulthood: Convergent evidence using a longitudinal personal goal paradigm. Motivation and Emotion, 45(2) ,171-185

Chua, S. N., Philippe, F. L.Bouizegarene, N. (2021) The association of autonomy support on memory need satisfaction and goal progress. Motivation and Emotion, 45 ,265-279

Audet, E. C.Levine, S. L.Holding, A. C., Koestner, R. (2021) A remarkable alliance: Sibling autonomy support and goal progress in emerging adulthood. Family Relations: Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Science, Advance Online

Luxon, A., Legate, N., Weinstein, N. (2021) Fluctuations in goal pursuits and health in a lesbian, gay, and bisexual sample across a 2-week diary study. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, Advance Online

Holding, A. C.Moore, E.Moore, A.Verner-Filion, J. (2021) When goal pursuit gets hairy: A longitudinal goal study examining the role of controlled motivation and action crises in predicting changes in hair cortisol, perceived stress, health and depression symptoms. Clinical Psychological Science, 9(6) ,1214–1221

Behzadnia, B., Deci, E. L., DeHaan, C. R. (2020) In Betsy Ng, Gloria Ho (Eds.), Predicting relations among life goals, physical activity, health, and well-being in elderly adults: A self-determination theory perspective on healthy aging. , Self-determination theory and healthy aging (pp. 47-71) Singapore: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-981-15-6968-5_4

Healy, L. C., Ntoumanis, N.Arthur, C. A. (2020) Goal motives and well-being in student-athletes: A person-centered approach. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 42(6) ,433-442

Benita, M.Shechter, T.Nudler-Muzikant, S.Arbel, R. (2020) Emotion regulation during personal goal pursuit: Integration versus suppression of emotions. Journal of Personality, 00 ,1–15

Holding, A. C.Barlow, M., Koestner, R.Wrosch, C. (2020) Why are we together? A dyadic longitudinal investigation of relationship motivation, goal progress and adjustment. Journal of Personality, 88 ,464-477

Holding, A. C.St-Jacques, A.Verner-Filion, J.Kachanoff, F. (2020) Sacrifice – but at what price? A longitudinal study of young adults’ sacrifice of basic psychological needs in pursuit of career goals. Motivation and Emotion, 44 ,19-115

Martela, F., Bradshaw, E. L., Ryan, R. M. (2019) Expanding the map of intrinsic and extrinsic aspirations using network analysis and multidimensional scaling: Examining four new aspirations. Frontiers in Psychology,

Leung, A. N. M., Law, W. (2019) Do extrinsic goals affect romantic relationships?. Motivation and Emotion, 43 ,857-873

Cai, Y. Y.King, R. B., Law, W.McInerney, D. M. (2019) Which comes first? Modeling the relationships among intrinsic-extrinsic goals, metacognitive strategies and achievement using multilevel cross-lagged SEM. Learning and Individual Differences, 74 ,101750

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Holding, A. C.Hope, N.Verner-Filion, J., Koestner, R. (2019) In good time: A longitudinal investigation of trait self-control in determining changes in motivation quality. Personality and Individual Differences, 139 ,132-137

Bradshaw, E. L.Sahdra, B.K., Calvo, R. A.Mrvaljevich, A. (2018) Users’ intrinsic goals linked to alcohol dependence risk level and engagement with the health promotion website, Hello Sunday Morning: Observational study. Journal of Medical Internet Research: Mental Health, 5(4) ,1-8

Ntoumanis, N.Sedikides, C. (2018) Holding on to the goal or letting it go and moving on? A tripartite model of goal striving. Current Directions in Psychological Sciences, 27 ,363-368

Healy, L.Tincknell-Smith, A., Ntoumanis, N. (2018) In O. Braddick, Goal setting in sport and performance. , Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Psychology New York, NY: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190236557.013.152

Seo, E., Patall, E. A.Henderson, M.Steingut, R. R. (2018) The effects of goal origin and implementation intentions on goal commitment and performance. Journal of Experimental Education, 86(3) ,386-401

Ernst, A., Philippe, F. L.Bourdeau, S.Leduc, C. (2018) Wanting or having to: The role of goal self-concordance in episodic future thinking. Consciousness & Cognition, 66 ,26-39

Guertin, C.Barbeau, K., Pelletier, L. G.Martinelli, G. (2017) Why do women engage in fat talk? Examining fat talk using Self-Determination Theory as an explanatory framework. Body Image, 20 ,7-15

Benita, M.Shane, N.Elgali, O., Roth, G. (2017) The important role of the context in which achievement goals are adopted: an experimental test. Motivation and Emotion, 41 ,180-195

Park, L. E.Ward, D. E.Naragon-Gainey, K. (2017) It’s all about the money (for some): Consequences of financially contingent self-worth. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 43(5) ,1-12

Fuchs, R.Seelig, H.Göhner, W.Schlatterer, M. (2017) The two sides of goal intentions: Intention self-concordance and intention strength as predictors of physical activity. Psychology & Health, 32(1) ,110-126

Coleman, S. J., Sebire, S. (2017) Do people’s goals for mass participation sporting events matter? A self-determination theory perspective. Journal of Public Health, 39(4) ,e202-e208

Ryan, R. M., Deci, E. L. (2017) Goal contents theory: Aspirations, life goals, and their varied consequences. , Self-determination theory: Basic psychological needs in motivation, development, and wellness (pp. 272-292) Guilford Press. doi: 10.1521/978.14625/28806

Holding, A. C.Hope, N. H.Harvey, B.Jetten, A. S. M. (2017) Stuck in Limbo: Motivational antecedents and consequences of experiencing action crises in personal goal pursuit. Journal of Personality, 85(6) ,893-905

Werner, K. M., Milyavskaya, M.Foxen-craft, E., Koestner, R. (2016) Some goals just feel easier: Self-concordance leads to goal progress through subjective ease, not effort.. Personality and Individual Differences, 96 ,237-242

Davids, E. L.Ryan, J.Yassin, Z.Hendrickse, S. (2016) Family structure and functioning: Influences on adolescents psychological needs, goals and aspirations in a South African setting. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 26(4) ,351-356

Martela, F., Ryan, R. M. (2016) Prosocial behavior increases well-being and vitality even without contact with the beneficiary: Causal and behavioral evidence. Motivation and Emotion, 40 ,351-357

Lopez, R. B., Milyavskaya, M.Hofmann, W.Heatherton, T. F. (2016) Motivational and neural correlates of self-control of eating: A combined neuroimaging and experience sampling study in dieting female college students. Appetite, ,192-199

Mageau, G. A.Bureau, J. S.Ranger, F.Allen, M.-P., (2016) Parental achievement goals as determinants of autonomy-supportive and controlling parenting. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25 ,1702-1711

Martela, F., Ryan, R. M. (2016) The benefits of benevolence: Basic psychological needs, beneficence, and the enhancement of well-being. Journal of Personality, 84(6) ,750-764

Brown, K. W., Kasser, T., Ryan, R. M.Konow, J. (2016) Materialism, spending, and affect: An event-sampling study of marketplace behavior and its affective costs. Journal of Happiness Studies, 17(6) ,2277-2292

Thibault Landry, A.Kindlein, J.Trépanier, S.-G., Forest, J. (2016) Why individuals want money matters: Using self-determination theory to explain the differential relations between motives for making money and employee psychological health. Motivation and Emotion, 40 ,226-242

Murayama, K.Pekrun, R.Suzuki, M.Marsh, H. W. (2016) Don’t aim too high for your kids: Parental overaspiration undermines students’ learning in mathematics. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 111(5) ,766-779

Kasser, T. (2016) Materialistic Values and Goals. Annual Review of Psychology, 67 ,489-514

Lindwall, M., Weman, K., Sebire, S., Standage, M. (2016) Viewing exercise goal content through a person-oriented lens: A self- determination perspective. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 27 ,85-92

Lekes, N., Houlfort, N., Milyavskaya, M.Hope, N. H. (2016) The role of intrinsic values for self-growth and community contribution at different life stages: Differentially predicting the vitality of university students and teachers over one year. Personality and Individual Differences, 98 ,48-52

Nishimura, T.Suzuki, T. (2016) Aspirations and life satisfaction in Japan: The Big Five personality makes clear. Personality and Individual Differences, 97 ,300-305

Gagné, M., Forest, J., Vansteenkiste, M.Crevier-Braud, L. (2015) The Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale: Validation evidence in seven languages and nine countries. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 24 ,178-196

Milyavskaya, M.Nadolny, D., Koestner, R. (2015) Why do people set more self-concordant goals in need satisfying domains? Testing authenticity as a mediator. Personality and Individual Differences, 77 ,131-136

Milyavskaya, M.Inzlicht, M.Hope, N., Koestner, R. (2015) Saying ‘No’ to temptation: ‘want-to’ motivation improves self-regulation by reducing temptation rather than by increasing self-control. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, ,677-693

Soenens, B.Wuyts, D., Vansteenkiste, M., Mageau, G. A. (2015) Raising trophy kids: The role of mothers’ contingent self-esteem in maternal promotion of extrinsic goals. Journal of Adolescence, 42 ,40-49

Hardy, S. A.Dollahite, D. C.Johnson, N.Christensen, J. B. (2015) Adolescent motivations to engage in prosocial behaviors and abstain from health-risk behaviors: A self-determination theory approach. Journal of Personality, 83 ,479-490

Guillen-Royo, M., Kasser, T. (2015) Personal goals, socio-economic context and happiness: Studying a diverse sample in Peru. Journal of Happiness Studies, 16(2) ,405-425

Kasser, T.Rosenblum, K. L.Sameroff, A. J., Deci, E. L. (2014) Changes in materialism, changes in psychological well-being: Evidence from three longitudinal studies and an intervention experiment. , Motivation and Emotion , 38 (pp. 1-22) doi: 10.1007/s11031-013-9371-4

Milyavskaya, M.Nadolny, D, Koestner, R. (2014) Where do self-concordant goals come from? The role of domain-specific psychological need satisfaction. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40 ,700-711

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