Workplace and Organizations

Huyghebaert-Zouaghi, T.Morin, A. J. S., Ntoumanis, N.Thomas, J. (2025) Subordinates’ perceptions of the need- supportive, need-thwarting, and need- indifferent behaviors used by their supervisors: A person-centered investigation. Applied Psychology, 74(1) ,e12573

Pan, J.Loughland, T.Collie, R. J.Kingsford-Smith, A. A. (2025) The impact of practicum job demands and resources on pre-service teachers’ occupational commitment and job intent. Teaching and Teacher Education, 153 ,104841

Saini, M.Uppal, N., Howard, J. L. (2025) Perceived financial incentive salience and its undermining effect: A moderated-mediation model. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 98(1) ,e70000

Martela, F. (2025) Well-being as having, loving, doing, and being: An integrative organizing framework for employee well-being. Journal of Organizational Behavior, Advance online publication

Borman, T. C.Dunlop, P. D., Gagné, M.Neale, M. (2024) Improving reactions to forced‐choice personality measures in simulated job application contexts through the satisfaction of psychological needs. Journal of Business and Psychology, 39 ,1-18

Schoofs, L. K.Maunz, L. A.Glaser, J. (2024) Multi-level effects of authentic leadership on self-actualization at work – the mediating roles of authentic followership and basic psychological need satisfaction. Current Psychology, 43 ,14494–14505

Kohnen, D.De Witte, H.Schaufeli, W. B.Dello, S. (2024) Engaging leadership and nurse well-being: The role of the work environment and work motivation—a cross-sectional study. Human Resources for Health, 22(8)

Lobaton Gonzales, L., Matos, L., Van den Broeck, A.Burga, A. (2024) Evidence of validity and reliability of the controlling motivational style questionnaire in the work context. Heliyon, 10 ,e25478

Legate, N., Weinstein, N. (2024) Motivation science can improve diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) trainings. Advance online publication

Reyes, V.Unaue, W.Vignoles, V. L., Van den Broeck, A. (2024) Materialism predicts burnout through the basic needs: Individual-level and within-person longitudinal evidence. Work & Stress, 38:1 ,90-114

Zampetakis, L. A., Arvanitis, A. (2024) Finding an autonomous path to positive change: A self-determination theory view of daily change-oriented organizational citizenship behavior. Current Psychology, Advance online publication

Gagné, M.Hewett, R. (2024) Assumptions about human motivation have consequences for practice. Journal of Management Studies, Advance Online

Neufeld, A.Malin, G.Babenko, O., Orsini, C. (2024) Workplace causality orientations moderate impostorism and burnout: New insights for wellness interventions in graduate medical education. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, Advance online publication

Kamarova, S., Gagné, M.Holtrop, D.Dunlop, P. D. (2024) Integrating behavior and organizational change literatures to uncover crucial psychological mechanisms underlying the adoption and maintenance of organizational change. , Journal of Organizational Behavior , Advance online publication doi: 10.1002/job.2832

Olafsen, A. H.Marescaux, B. P. C.Kujanpää, M. (2024) Crafting for autonomy, competence, and relatedness: A self-determination theory model of need crafting at work. Applied Psychology, Advance online publication

Lauer, S.Wilkesmann, U. (2024) The mediating role of basic psychological needs satisfaction between transformational leadership and work motivation of predoctoral researchers at German professorships. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 24(8) ,122-137

Papachristopoulos, K., Arvanitis, A. (2024) Autonomy orientation and innovative work behavior. European Journal of Psychology Open, 83(2) ,83-88

Firzly, N.Goulet-Pelletier, J-C., Pelletier, L. G.Lagacé, M. (2024) Antecedents of mentors’ interpersonal behaviors at work: A cross-sectional study. The Career Development Quarterly, Advance online publication

Holmquist, S.Stenling, A.Tafvelin, S., Ntoumanis, N. (2024) Dimensionality, invariance, and nomological eetwork of the Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (NSFS): An extensive psychometric investigation in a Swedish work cohort. Journal of Personality Assessment, 106(3) ,396-406

DeHaan, C. R., Bradshaw, E. L.Diaz-Castillo, S.Trautman, T. (2024) Energy in the workplace: Job demands, job resources, and employees’ inner resources as pathways to organizational outcomes. Frontiers in Psychology, 15

Abner, G.Wang, Y.Oliveira, E. (2024) Unpacking job satisfaction among law enforcement through self-determination theory: A meta-analytic approach. Journal of Experimental Criminology, Advance online publication

Huyghebaert-Zouaghi, T.Morin, A. J. S.Thomas, J., Gillet, N. (2024) Daily dynamics of basic need satisfaction at work: An application of dynamic structural equation modeling. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 33(3) ,294-309

Nair, R.Shmon, T., Neufeld, A.Malin, G. (2024) When medical students are autonomously motivated to mentor: A pilot study on confidence in clinical teaching and psychological well-being. Canadian Medical Education Journal, 15(4) ,56-62

Kaabomeir, N.Mazhari, K.Arshadi, N.Karami, M. (2023) How supervisors can support employees’ needs and motivation? an experimental study based on SDT. , Current Psychology , 42 (pp. 17206–17218) doi: 10.1007/s12144-022-02922-5

Zhao, H.Chen, Y.Liu, W. (2023) Socially responsible human resource management and employee moral voice: Based on the self‐determination theory. Journal of Business Ethics, 183 ,929–946

Zhang, Z.Ni, G.Lin, H.Li, Z. (2023) Linking empowering leadership to work-related well-being and project citizenship behavior in the construction context: a self-determination perspective. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 16(2)

Weinstein, N., Legate, N.Graham, L.Zheng, Y. (2023) The role of perceived autonomy-supportive communication for motivating prejudice reduction and avoiding defiant backlash within the police force workplace. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 53(5) ,443-454

Huyghebaert-Zouaghi, T., Gillet, N., Fernet, C.Thomas, J. (2023) Managerial predictors and motivational outcomes of workers’ psychological need states profiles: A two-wave examination. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 32(2) ,216-233

Huyghebaert-Zouaghi, T.Morin, A. J. S., Ntoumanis, N.Berjot, S. (2023) Supervisors’ interpersonal styles: An integrative perspective and a measure based on self-determination theory. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 72(3) ,1097-1133

Meng, L.Lin, X.Du, J.Zhang, X. (2023) Autonomy support and prosocial impact facilitate meaningful work: A daily diary study. Motivation and Emotion, 47 ,538-553

Ni, Y-X.Wen, Y.Xu, Y.He, L. (2023) The relationship between work practice environment and work engagement among nurses: The multiple mediation of basic psychological needs and organizational commitment a cross-sectional survey. Frontiers in Public Health, 11 ,1123580

Papachristopoulos, K.Gradito Dubord, M-A.Jauvin, F., Forest, J. (2023) What am I doing for (their) a living? Positive impact and innovative behavior at work: The mediating role of needs satisfaction. (Preprint), 13 ,984

Trépanier, S-G.Peterson, C., Gagné, M., Fernet, C. (2023) Revisiting the Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale (MWMS). European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology,, 32(2) ,157-172

De Clerck, T., Haerens, L.Devos, G.Willem, A. (2023) A self-determination theory perspective on how autonomy-supportive and chaotic leadership relate to volunteers’ need-based experiences and turnover intentions: A variable-centered and person-centered approach. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 34(4) ,777-800

Papachristopoulo, K.Gradito Dubord, M-A.Jauvin, F., Forest, J. (2023) Positive impact, creativity, and innovative behavior at work: The mediating role of basic needs satisfaction. Behavioral Sciences, 13(12) ,984

De Clerck, T., Haerens, L.Van Dyck, D.Devos, G. (2023) Professionalizing all-volunteer nonprofit organizations: An intervention study based on the competing values framework and self-determination theory. , Journal of Organizational Change Management , 37(1) (pp. 39-57) doi: 10.1108/JOCM-01-2023-0028

Tang, P. M.Klotz, A. C.McClean, S. T.Wang, Y. (2023) Who needs nature? The influence of employee speciesism on nature-based need satisfaction and subsequent work behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 108(11) ,1737–1765

Van den Broeck, A., Slemp, G. (2023) In R. M. Ryan (Ed.), Leadership: A self-determination theory perspective. Oxford University Press The Oxford handbook of self-determination theory, ,920-938

Collie, R. J. (2023) Teacher well-being and turnover intentions: Investigating the roles of job resources and job demands. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 93(3) ,712-726

Van den Broeck, A.Rivkin, W., Slemp, G. (2023) In M. C. W. Peters, De Jonge, J., & Taris, T. W. (Eds.), Motivating employees using self-determination theory. Wiley Blackwell An introduction to contemporary work psychology, ,67-87

Coxen, L.van der Vaart, L., Van den Broeck, A.Rothmann, S. (2023) What matters more for daily well- and ill-being? The dual pathways of daily need satisfaction and frustration. Current Psychology: A Journal for Diverse Perspectives on Diverse Psychological Issues, 42 ,32552–32565

Gaudiino, M., Van den Broeck, A.Verbruggen, M. (2023) The role of switching frequency, task variety and motivation in activity-based working: When does the switch fit?. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 89 ,102039

Gagné, M.Nordgren Selar, A.Sverke, M. (2023) In R. M. Ryan (Ed.), How important is money to motivate people to work?. Oxford University Press The Oxford handbook of self-determination theory, ,pp. 901-919

Forest, J.Gadito Dubord, M-A., Olafsen, A. H.Carpentier, J. (2023) In R. M. Ryan (Ed.), Shaping tomorrow’s workplace by integrating self-determination theory: A literature review and recommendations. Oxford University Press The Oxford handbook of self-determination theory, ,pp. 875-900

Legate, N., Weinstein, N. (2023) In R. M. Ryan (Ed.), How to motivate people to care about prejudice reduction in the workplace. The Oxford handbook of self-determination theory, ,pp. 939–956

Manganelli, L., Forest, J. (2022) Using Self-Determination Theory to understand when and how money buys happiness: A cross-sectional and intervention study. , Applied Research in Quality of Life , 17 (pp. 31-56) doi: 10.1007/s11482-020-09875-6

Busque-Carrier, M., Ratelle, C. F.Le Corff, Y. (2022) Work values and job satisfaction: The mediating role of basic psychological needs at work. Journal of Career Development, 49(6) ,1386-1401

Firzly, N.Chamandy, M., Pelletier, L. G.Lagace, M. (2022) An examination of mentors’ interpersonal behaviors and mentees’ motivation, turnover intentions, engagement, and well-being. Journal of Career Development, 49(6) ,1317-1336

Soon, L.Walsh, J. J.McDowall, A.Teoh, K. R. H. (2022) The effects of basic psychological needs satisfaction and mindfulness on solicitors’ well-being. International Journal of the Legal Profession, 29(2) ,143-158

Rietveld, J. R.Hiemstra, D.Brouwer, A. E.Waalkens, J. (2022) Motivation and productivity of employees in higher education during the first lockdown. Administrative Sciences, 12 ,1

De Clerck, T.Willem, A.De Cocker, K.Haerens, L. (2022) Toward a refined insight into the importance of volunteers’ motivations for need-based experiences, job satisfaction, work effort, and turnover intentions in nonprofit sports clubs: A person-centered approach. Voluntas, 33 ,807–819

Niemiec, C. P., Olafsen, A. H., Halvari, H., Williams, G. C. (2022) Losing sleep over work: A self-determination theory view on need frustration, sleep disturbance, and mental ill health. Stress and Health, 38(4) ,790-803

Lin, X.Luan, Y.Zhao, K.Zhao, G. (2022) A meta-analysis of the relationship between leadership styles and employee creative performance: A self-determination perspective. Advances in Psychological Science, 30(4) ,781–801

Magson, N.Craven, R. G., Ryan, R. M.Dillon, A. (2022) A cross-cultural investigation of basic psychological need satisfaction at work in an indigenous and non-indigenous Australian sample across occupation types.. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 53(2) ,213-238

Dubord, M-A. G., Forest, J.Balčiūnaitė, L. M.Rauen, E. (2022) The power of strength-oriented feedback enlightened by self-determination theory: a positive technology-based intervention. Journal of Happiness Studies, 23(6) ,827-2848

Dirzyte, A.Patapas, A.Zidoniene, D. (2022) Employees’ personality traits and needs’ frustration predicts stress overload during the COVID-19 pandemic. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 63(5) ,513-521

Gagné, M.Parker, S. K.Griffin, M. A.Dunlop, P. D. (2022) Understanding and shaping the future of work with self-determination theory. Nature Reviews Psychology, 1 ,378–392

Grant, A. M.Shandell, M. S. (2022) Social motivation at work: The organizational psychology of effort for, against, and with others. Annual Review of Psychology, 73 ,301-326

Houlfort, N.Cécire, P., Koestner, R.Verner-Filion, J. (2022) Managing the work‐home interface by making sacrifices: Costs of sacrificing psychological needs. Motivation and Emotion, 46 ,658-671

Good, V.Hughes, D. E.Kirca, A. H.McGrath, S. (2022) A self‐determination theory‐based meta‐analysis on the differential effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on salesperson performance. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 50 ,586-614

Welch, R. A.Fleming, R. A. (2022) The power of visual storytelling to create behavior-change in the workplace. The Journal of Applied Instructional Design, 11(4) ,54-62

Huyghebaert-Zouaghi, T.Morin, A. J. S., Forest, J.Fouquereau, E. (2022) A longitudinal examination of nurses’ need satisfaction profiles: A latent transition analysis. Current Psychology, 41 ,4837-4859

Sandrin, E.Morin, A. J. S., Fernet, C.Huyghebaert-Zouaghi, T. (2022) Nature, predictor, and outcomes of motivation trajectories during a professional training program. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 31(2) ,226-244

Blechman, Y.Tóth-Király, I.Nadon, L. R., Fernet, C. (2022) On the global and specific nature of psychological need satisfaction and work motivation in predicting employees’ wellbeing: a self-determination theory perspective. Journal of Management & Organization, Published online ,1-22

van der Vaart, L., Van den Broeck, A.Rothmann, S.De Witte, H. (2022) Motivational profiles in unemployment: A Self-Determination perspective. Frontiers in Public Health, 10 ,870073

Vanovenberghe, C., Van den Broeck, A.Lauwerier, E.Goorts, K. (2022) Motivation in the return to work process: a self-determination cluster approach. Disability and Rehabilitation, 44(10) ,2053-2062

Khan, S. U.Wang, M.Khan, I. U.Liu, X. (2022) Evaluating stock trading behaviour: Information sources nexus through intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 27(3) ,2965-2976

St-Onge, S.Legault, M-E. (2022) What can motivate me to keep working? Analysis of older finance professionals’ discourse using Self-Determination Theory. Sustainability, 14 ,484

Alamer, A.Al Sultan, H. (2022) The role of basic psychological needs on volunteering and national responsibility during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from the context of Saudi Arabia. Frontiers in Education, 7 ,944048

Bureau, J. S., Gagné, M.Morin, A.J.S., Mageau, G. A. (2021) Transformational leadership and incivility: A multilevel and longitudinal test. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36 ,448-473

Slemp, G.Lee, M. A.Mossman, L. H. (2021) Interventions to support autonomy, competence, and relatedness needs in organizations: A systematic review with recommendations for research and practice. , Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology doi: 10.1111/joop.12338

Brunelle, E.Fortin, J. (2021) Distance makes the heart grow fonder: An examination of teleworkers’ and office workers’ job satisfaction through the lens of self-determination theory. SAGE Open, 11(1)

Gatt, G.Jiang, L. (2021) Can different types of non-territorial working satisfy employees’ needs for autonomy and belongingness? Insights from self-determination theory. Environment and Behavior, 53(9) ,953-986

Olafsen, A. H., Niemiec, C. P., Deci, E. L., Halvari, H. (2021) Mindfulness buffers the adverse impact of need frustration on employee outcomes: A self-determination theory perspective. Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology, 00 ,1-14

Jedwab, R. M.Hutchinson, A. M.Manias, E., Calvo, R. A. (2021) Nurse motivation, engagement and well-being before an electronic medical record system implementation: A mixed methods study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 ,2726

Halvari, A.Ivarsson, A., Halvari, H., Olafsen, A. H. (2021) A prospective study of knowledge sharing at work based on Self-Determination Theory. Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 6(1) ,5

Martela, F.Gomez, M.Unanue, W.Araya, S. (2021) What makes work meaningful? Longitudinal evidence for the importance of autonomy and beneficence for meaningful work. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 131 ,103631

Camilleri, M. A. (2021) The employees’ state of mind during COVID-19: A Self-Determination Theory perspective. Sustainability, 13 ,3634

Coxen, L.van der Vaart, L., Van den Broeck, A.Rothmann, S. (2021) Basic psychological needs in the work context: A systematic literature review of diary studies. Frontiers in Psychology, 12 ,698526

Shin, J., Grant, A. M. (2021) When putting work off pays off: The curvilinear relationship between procrastination and creativity. Academy of Management Journal, 64(3)

Roussillon Soyer, C.Balkin, D. B.Fall, A. (2021) Unpacking the effect of autonomous motivation on workplace performance: Engagement and distributive justice matter!. European Management Review, 19(1) ,138-153

Roussillon Soyer, C.St-Onge, S.Igalens, J. (2021) The demotivating impact of absenteeism in nursing homes. Journal of Nursing Management, 29(6) ,1679-1690

Fernet, C., Gillet, N.Austin, S.Trépanier, S-G. (2021) Predicting nurses’ occupational commitment and turnover intention: The role of autonomous motivation and supervisor and coworker behaviors. Journal of Nursing Management, 29(8) ,2611-2619

Van den Broeck, A., Howard, J. L.Vaerenbergh, Y. V.Leroy, H. (2021) Beyond intrinsic and extrinsic motivation: A meta-analysis on self-determination theory’s multidimensional conceptualization of work motivation. Organizational Psychology Review, 11(3) ,240–273

Howard, J. L.Morin, A. J. S., Gagné, M. (2021) A longitudinal analysis of motivation profiles at work. Motivation and Emotion, 45(1) ,39-59

Slemp, G.Zhao, Y.Hou, H., Vallerand, R. J. (2021) Job crafting, leader autonomy support, and passion for work: Testing a model in Australia and China. Motivation and Emotion, 45 ,60-74

(2021) Does motivation predict return to work? A longitudinal analysis. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 63(1) ,2053-2062

Sarmah, P., Van den Broeck, A.Schreurs, B.Proost, K. (2021) Autonomy supportive and controlling leadership as antecedents of work design and employee well-being. Business Research Quarterly, 25(1) ,1-18

van Tuin, L.Schaufeli, W. B., Van den Broeck, A. (2021) Engaging leadership: Enhancing work engagement through intrinsic values and need satisfaction. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 32(4) ,483-505

Levesque, C. S. (2021) Student-centered pedagogy and course transformation at scale: Facilitating faculty agency to IMPACT institutional change.

Kaplan, H. (2021) Promoting optimal induction to beginning teachers using Self-Determination Theory. SAGE Open, 11(2) ,1-14

Orsini, C.Rodrigues, V. (2020) Supporting motivation in teams working remotely: The role of basic psychological needs. Medical Teacher, 42(7) ,828-829

Weinstein, N.Chubb, J.Haddock, G.Wilsdon, J. (2020) A conducive environment? The role of need support in the higher education workplace and its effect on academics’ experiences of research assessment in the UK. Higher Education Quarterly,

Zaman, U.Nawaz, S.Javed, A.Rasul, T. (2020) Having a whale of a time: Linking self- determination theory (SDT), job characteristics model (JCM) and motivation to the joy of gig work. Cogent Business & Management, 7(1) ,1807707

Thogersen-Ntoumani, C.Quested, E.Smith, B. S.Nicholas, J. (2020) Feasibility and preliminary effects of a peer-led motivationally-embellished workplace walking intervention: A pilot cluster randomized trial (the START trial). , Contemporary Clinical Trials , 91 (pp. 105969) doi: 10.1016/j.cct.2020.105969

Jungert, T.Schattke, K.Proulx, F. A., Taylor, G. (2020) Whose autonomy support is more effective? Managers’ or Co‐Workers’? An experimental comparison of source and occupational context on intrinsic motivation. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, Advance Online First

Kanat-Maymon, Y.Elimelech, M., Roth, G. (2020) Work motivations as antecedents and outcomes of leadership: Integrating self-determination theory and the full range leadership theory. European Management Journal, 38 ,555-564

Thibault Landry, A.Zhang, Y.Papaschristopoulos, K., Forest, J. (2020) Applying self‐determination theory to understand the motivational impact of cash rewards: New evidence from lab experiments. International Journal of Psychology, 55(3) ,487-498

Gagné, M., Forest, J. (2020) Financial incentives to promote optimal work motivation: Mission impossible?. The Journal of Total Rewards, Q4 ,36-47

Levesque-Côté, J., Fernet, C.Morin, A. J. S.Austin, S. (2020) On the motivational nature of authentic leadership practices: a latent profile analysis based on self-determination theory. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 42(2) ,178-194

Olafsen, A. H., Deci, E. L. (2020) Self-determination theory and its relation to organizations.

Halvari, H., Olafsen, A. H. (2020) Causality orientations in the work setting: Scale development and validation. Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5(1) ,6, 1–12

Olafsen, A. H.Bentzen, M. (2020) Benefits of psychological detachment From work: Does autonomous work motivation play a role?. Frontiers in Psychology, 11 ,824

Gillet, N.Morin, A. J. S.Huart, I.Colombat, P. (2020) The forest and the trees: Investigating the globality and specificity of employees’ basic need satisfaction at work. Journal of Personality Assessment, 102(5) ,702-713

Gillet, N.Morin, A. J. S.Ndiaye, A.Colombat, P. (2020) A test of work motivation profile similarity across four distinct samples of employees. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 93(4) ,988-1030

Van der Vaart, L., Van den Broeck, A.Rothmann, S.De Witte, H. (2020) Experiences, attitudes, and behaviors of the unemployed: The role of motivation and psychological needs. Psychological Reports, 123(3) ,1117-1144

Pedersen, C., Halvari, H., Olafsen, A. H. (2019) Worksite physical activity intervention and somatic symptoms burden: The role of coworker support for basic psychological needs and autonomous motivation. , Journal of Occupational Health Psychology , 24(1) (pp. 55-65) doi: 10.1037/ocp0000131

Olafsen, A. H.Frølund, C. (2019) Challenge accepted! Distinguishing between challenge- and hindrance demands. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 33(4/5) ,345-357

Moller, A. C.Jager, A.J., Williams, G. C.Kao, A.C. (2019) U.S. physicians’ work motivation and their occupational health: A national survey of practicing physicians. Medical Care, 57 ,334-340

Zhang, Y.Zhang, J., Forest, J.Chen, Z. (2019) A Dynamic Computational Model of employees’ goal transformation using Self-Determination Theory. Motivation and Emotion, 43(3) ,447-460

Gillet, N.Fouquereau, E., Vallerand, R. J.Abraham, J. (2019) The role of workers’ motivational profiles in affective and organizational factors. Journal of Happiness Studies, 19 ,1151-1174

Abós, Á.Sevil-Serrano, J., Haerens, L.Aelterman, N. (2019) Towards a more refined understanding of the interplay between burnout and engagement among secondary school teachers: A person-centered perspective. Learning and Individual Differences, 72 ,69-79

Philippe, F. L.Lopes, M., Houlfort, N., Fernet, C. (2019) Work-related episodic memories can increase or decrease motivation and psychological health at work. Work & Stress, ,1-20

Stupinksy, R.BrckaLorenz, A.Nelson Laird, T. F. (2019) How does faculty research motivation type relate to success? A test of self-determination theory. International Journal of Educational Research, 98 ,25-35

Ryan, R. M., Deci, E. L. (2019) Research on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is alive, well, and reshaping 21st-century management approaches: Brief reply to Locke and Schattke (2019). Motivation Science, 5(4) ,291-294

Mueller, M. B. (2019) Show me the money: Towards a model for a cost-benefit analysis of employee engagement interventions. , International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior , 22(1) (pp. 43-64) doi: 10.1108/IJOTB-05-2018-0056

Hicklenton, C.Hine, D. W.Loi, N. M. (2019) Does green-person-organization fit predict intrinsic need satisfaction and workplace engagement?. Frontiers in Psychology, 10 ,2285

Gillet, N.Morin, A. J. S.Choisay, F.Fouquereau, E. (2019) A person-centered representation of basic need satisfaction balance at work. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 18(3) ,113-128

Gillet, N.Le Gouge, A.Pierre, R.Bongro, J. (2019) Managerial style and well-being among psychiatric nurses: A prospective study. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 26(7-8) ,265-273

Van den Broeck, A.Karkkola, P.Kuittinen, M. (2019) Psykologisten perustarpeiden työssä täyttymisen suomenkielinen kysely [Finnish Work-related Basic Need Satisfaction questionnaire]. Psykologia, 54(2) ,91-105

Van den Broeck, A.Schreurs, B.Proost, K.Vanderstukken, A. (2019) I want to be a billionaire: How do extrinsic and intrinsic values influence youngsters’ well-being?. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 682(1) ,204-219

Van der Vaart, L., Van den Broeck, A. (2019) In L.E. van Zyl, S. Rothmann (Eds.), Self-determination and Positive Psychology Interventions: An Extension of the Positive Activity Model in the Context of Unemployment. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing Theoretical Approaches to Multi-Cultural Positive Psychological Interventions, Vol. 1 Chap. 3 ,51-67

Van den Broeck, A.Vangronsvelt, K. (2019) In de Lange, W.; de Prins, P.; Van der Heijden, B. (Eds.), Self-Determination Theory. Alphen aan den Rijn: Vakmedianet Canon van HRM, 50 theorieën over een vakgebied in ontwikkeling, Chap 24 ,425-438

White, C. J.Tong, E. (2019) On linking socioeconomic status to consumer loyalty behaviour. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 50 ,60-65

Huyghebaert, T., Gillet, N., Fernet, C.Lahiani, F.-J. (2018) Leveraging psychosocial safety climate to prevent ill-being: The mediating role of psychological need thwarting. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 107 ,111-125

Sandrin, E., Gillet, N. (2018) Determinants and consequences of workaholism among French workers. Psychologie Française, 63 ,1-9

Rigby, C. S., Ryan, R. M. (2018) Self-determination theory in human resource development: New directions and practical considerations. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 20(2) ,133-147

Slemp, G.Kern, M. L.Patrick, K. J., Ryan, R. M. (2018) Leader autonomy support in the workplace: A meta-analytic review. Motivation and Emotion, 42 ,706-724

Olafsen, A. H. (2018) Selvbestemmelsesteorien: Et differensiert perspektiv på motivasjon i arbeidslivet [Self-determination theory: A differentiated view of motivation in working life]. MAGMA, 2 ,54-61

Olafsen, A. H., Deci, E. L., Halvari, H. (2018) Basic psychological needs and work motivation: A longitudinal test of directionality. Motivation and Emotion, 42(2) ,178-189

Zhang, Y.Zhang, J., Forest, J.Chen, C. (2018) The negative and positive effects of employees’ innovative behaviors: Role of goals of employees and supervisors. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(1871)

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