Health Professions Education

Kors, J.Martin, L.Verhoeven, C. J.Henrichs, J. (2025) Autonomy support in prenatal consultation: A quantitative observation study in maternity care. European Journal of Midwifery, 9(3)

Neufeld, A.Malin, G. (2024) Cultivating physician empathy: A person-centered study based in self-determination theory. Medical Education Online, 29 ,2335739

Neufeld, A.Babenko, O.Malin, G. (2024) Not all ‘impostors’ are created equal: A dimensional, person-centered, and theory-based analysis of medical students. Medical Teacher, Advance online publication

Zhu, Y.Dolmans, D.Kohler, S. E., Kusurkar, R. A. (2024) Paths to autonomous motivation and well‐being: Understanding the contribution of basic psychological needs satisfaction in health professions students. Medical Science Educator, Advance Online

Basnet, N.Wouters, A., Kusurkar, R. A. (2024) Students’ motivation for honors programs in the Netherlands. SAGE Open, Advance Online

Oosterbaan-Lodder, S. C. M.Kors, J.Visser, C. L. F.Kvist, B. M. (2024) Twelve tips for designing, implementing and sustaining interprofessional training units on hospital wards. Medical Teacher, 46(3) ,323-329

Teuwen, C. J., Kusurkar, R. A.Schreurs, H.Daelmans, H. E. M. (2024) Interprofessional collaboration skills and motivation one year after an interprofessional educational intervention for undergraduate medical and nursing students. BMC Medical Education, 24 ,269

van der Goot, W. E.Van Yperen, N. W.Albers, C. J.Jaarsma, A. D. C. (2024) Effects of (de)motivating supervision styles on junior doctors’ intrinsic motivation through basic psychological need frustration and satisfaction: an experimental vignette study. Advances in Health Sciences Education, Advance Online

Neufeld, A.Malin, G.Babenko, O., Orsini, C. (2024) Workplace causality orientations moderate impostorism and burnout: New insights for wellness interventions in graduate medical education. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, Advance online publication

Neufeld, A. (2024) A few suggestions based on “The Choice! The challenges of trying to improve medical students’ satisfaction with their specialty choices”. , Canadian Medical Education Journal , 15(2) (pp. 111-112) doi: 10.36834/cmej.78845

Orsini, C.Imafuku, R.Jennings, B., Neufeld, A. (2024) What influences clinical educators’ motivation to teach? A BEME systematic review and framework synthesis based on self-determination theory: BEME Review No. 90. Medical Teacher, Advance online publication ,1-9

Nair, R.Shmon, T., Neufeld, A.Malin, G. (2024) When medical students are autonomously motivated to mentor: A pilot study on confidence in clinical teaching and psychological well-being. Canadian Medical Education Journal, 15(4) ,56-62

Neufeld, A., Rigby, C. S. (2024) Autonomy versus independence: Implications for resident and faculty engagement, performance, and well-being. HCA Healthcare Journal of Medicine, 5(3) ,209-213

Zhu, Y.Dolmans, D., Kusurkar, R. A.Köhler, E. (2024) Promoting students’ autonomous motivation for the ongoing curriculum using a ‘Societal Impact Project’ with basic psychological needs characteristics. , Medical Teacher , Advance Online doi: 10.1080/0142159X.2024.2388804

Orsini, C., Neufeld, A. (2024) Navigating impostorism: The role of clinical learning environments and trainees’ general causality orientation. , Medical Education , Advance online publication (pp. 1-2) doi: 10.1111/medu.15592

Zhu, Y.Abidi, L.Savelberg, H.Kohler, S. E. (2024) Fostering university students’ autonomous motivation through a Societal Impact Project: A qualitative study of students’ and teachers’ perspectives. BMC Medical Education, 24 ,1503

Renault, R., Laurin, J. C.Bassam, K.Spinelli, C. (2023) The mediating role of basic psychological needs satisfaction in the relationship between trait mindfulness and psychological distress in clinical trainees. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 36(3) ,485-502

Gavarkovs, A. G., Kusurkar, R. A.Brydges, R. (2023) The purpose, adaptability, confidence, and engrossment model: A novel approach for supporting professional trainees’ motivation, engagement, and academic achievement. Frontiers in Education, 8 ,1036539

Crafford, L., Kusurkar, R. A.Bronkhorst, E.Gous, A. G. S. (2023) Understanding of healthcare professionals towards the roles and competencies of clinical pharmacists in South Africa. BMC Health Services Research, 23 ,290

Kusurkar, R. A. (2023) In R. M. Ryan (Ed.), Self-determination theory in health professions education research and practice. NY, USA: Oxford University Press The Oxford handbook of self-determination theory, ,pp. 665-683

Kusurkar, R. A., Orsini, C.Somra, S.Artino, A. R. (2023) The effect of assessments on student motivation for learning and its outcomes in health professions education: A review and realist synthesis. Academic Medicine, 98(9) ,1083-1092

Babenko, O., Neufeld, A. (2023) Profiles of physician motivation towards using virtual care: Differences in workplace need fulfillment. BMC Health Services Research, 23 ,1101

Neufeld, A. (2023) Moving the field forward: Using self-determination theory to transform the learning environment in medical education. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, Advance online publication

Gavarkovs, A. G.Crukley, J.Miller, E., Kusurkar, R. A. (2023) Effectiveness of life goal framing to motivate medical students during online learning: A randomized controlled trial. Perspectives on Medical Education, 12(1) ,444–454

Kors, J.Duprez, V.Martin, L.Verhoeven, C. J. (2023) Adaptation and validation of the encoding of observations using CONSUL-MCC: A self-determination theory-based tool to observe consultations in maternity care. PEC Innovation, 100219

Kusurkar, R. A.Isik, U.Van der Burgt, S.Wouters, A. (2022) What stressors and energizers do PhD students in medicine identify in their work: A qualitative inquiry. Medical Teacher, 44(5) ,559-563

Sawatsky, A. P.O'Brien, B. C.Hafferty, F. W. (2022) Autonomy and developing physicians: Reimagining supervision under self-determination theory. Medical Education, 56(1) ,56-63

Neufeld, A.Babenko, O.Lai, H.Svrcek, C. (2022) Why do we feel like intellectual frauds? A Self-Determination Theory perspective on the impostor phenomenon in medical students. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 35(2) ,180-192

Neufeld, A. (2022) A commentary on “Medical student wellness in Canada: time for a national curriculum framework”. Canadian Medical Education Journal,

Puranitee, P.Kaewpila, W.Heeneman, S.van Mook, W. N. K. A. (2022) Promoting a sense of belonging, engagement, and collegiality to reduce burnout: A mixed methods study among undergraduate medical students in a non-Western, Asian context. BMC Medical Education, 22 ,327

Neufeld, A. (2022) Towards an autonomy-supportive model of wellness in Canadian medical education. Canadian Medical Education Journal, 14(3) ,143-151

Kors, la Croix, A.Martin, L.Verhoeven, C. J. M. (2022) Autonomy-supportive decision-making in maternity care during prenatal consultations: a qualitative interaction analysis. BMJ Open, 12(11) ,e063463

Neufeld, A. (2022) On the challenges of embedding assessments of self-regulated learning into licensure activities in health professions education. Canadian Medical Education Journal, 13(4) ,110-4

Findyartini, A.Greviana, N.Felaza, E.Faruqi, M. (2022) Professional identity formation of medical students: A mixed-methods study in a hierarchical and collectivist culture. BM], 22 ,443

Neufeld, A. (2021) Autonomy-supportive teaching in medicine: From motivational theory to educational practice. , MedEdPublish , 10(1) (pp. 117) doi: 10.15694/mep.2021.000117.1

van Houwelingen, A. H., Kusurkar, R. A.Engels, F. (2021) Evaluation of a multidisciplinary bachelor course on pain with autonomy-supportive teaching strategies through the lens of Self-Determination Theory. Pharmacy, 9 ,66

Patiwael, J. A.Douma, A. H.Bezakova, N., Kusurkar, R. A. (2021) Collaborative testing in physical examination skills training and the autonomous motivation of students: a qualitative study. BMC Medical Education, 21 ,224

Wuyts, D.Van Hecke, A.Lemaire, V.Vandepoel, I. (2021) Development and validation of INTENSS, a need-supportive training for nurses to support patients’ self-management. , Nurse Education Today , 106 (pp. 105042) doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2021.105042

Isik, U.Wouters, A.Verdonk, P.Croiset, G. (2021) “As an ethnic minority, you just have to work twice as hard.” Experiences and motivation of ethnic minority students in medical education. Perspectives on Medical Education, 10(5) ,272-278

van der Burgt, S. M. la Croix, A.Croiset, G.Broekman, M. (2021) Do medical specialists cope with stressors through fulfillment of basic psychological needs of self-determination theory. International Journal of Medical Education, 12 ,245-256

Crafford, L.Wouters, A.Bronkhorst, E.Gous, A. G. S. (2021) Exploring factors associated with the motivation of clinical pharmacists: a focus on the South African context. Frontiers in Medicine, 8 ,747348

Hansen, S. E.Defenbaugh, N.Mathieu, S. S.Garufi, L. C. (2021) A mixed‐methods exploration of the developmental trajectory of autonomous motivation in graduate medical learners. , Medical Science Educator , 31 (pp. 2017-2031) doi: 10.1007/s40670-021-01396-7

Neufeld, A.Malin, G. (2021) Twelve tips to combat ill-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: A guide for health professionals and educators. , MedEdPublish , 9(70) doi: 10.15694/mep.2020.000070.1

Neufeld, A.Malin, G. (2021) Need fulfillment and resilience mediate the relationship between mindfulness and coping in medical students. Teaching & Learning in Medicine, 34(1) ,78-88

Neufeld, A.Hughton, B.Muhammadzai, J.McKague, M. (2021) Towards a better understanding of medical students’ mentorship needs: A self-determination theory perspective. Canadian Medical Education Journal, 12(6) ,72-7

Orsini, C.Rodrigues, V. (2020) Supporting motivation in teams working remotely: The role of basic psychological needs. Medical Teacher, 42(7) ,828-829

van der Burgt, S. M. E.Nauta, K.Croiset, G.Kusurkar, R. A. (2020) A qualitative study on factors influencing the situational and contextual motivation of medical specialists. International Journal of Medical Education, 11 ,111-119

Kors, J.Paternotte, E.Martin, L.Verhoeven, C. J. (2020) Factors influencing autonomy supportive consultation: A realist review. Patient Education and Counseling, 103 ,2069-2077

van der Burgt, S. M. E.Nauta, K.Croiset, G., Kusurkar, R. A. (2020) A qualitative study on factors influencing the situational and contextual motivation of medical specialists. International Journal of Medical Education, 11 ,111-119

Orsini, C.Tricio, J.Segura, C.Tapia, D. (2020) Exploring teachers’ motivation to teach: A multisite study on the associations with the work climate, students’ motivation, and teaching approaches. Journal of Dental Education, 84 ,429-437

Neufeld, A.Mossiere, A.Malin, G. (2020) Basic psychological needs, more than mindfulness and resilience, relate to medical student stress: A case for shifting the focus of wellness curricula. Medical Teacher, 42(12) ,1401-1412

Kusurkar, R. A.van der Burgt, S. M. E.Isik, E.Mak-van der Vossen, M. (2020) Burnout and engagement among PhD students in medicine: The BEeP study. Perspectives on Medical Education,

Neufeld, A.Malin, G. (2020) How medical students’ perceptions of instructor autonomy-support mediate their motivation and psychological well-being. Medical Teacher, 42:6 ,650-656

Neufeld, A.Malin, G. (2020) A commentary on autonomy-supportive teaching: A reply to Duguid et al. (2020). Medical Teacher, 43(2) ,238

Neufeld, A.Huschi,Z.Ames, A.Trinder, K. (2020) Peers United in Leadership & Skills Enhancement: A near-peer mentoring program for medical students. Canadian Medical Education Journal, 11(6) ,e145-e148

Felaza, E.Findyartini, A.Setyorini, D.Mustika, R. (2020) How motivation correlates with academic burnout: study conducted in undergraduate medical students. Education in Medicine, 12(1) ,43-52

Findyartini, A.Felaza, E.Setyorini, D.Mustika, R. (2020) Relationship between empathy and motivation in undergraduate medical students. 37(4) ,43

Orsini, C.Binnie, V.Jerez, O. (2019) Motivation as a Predictor of Dental Students’ Behavioral and Affective Outcomes: Does the Quality of Motivation Matter?. Journal of Dental Education, 83(5) ,521-529

Kusurkar, R. A. (2019) In reply to Purohit & Walsh. Medical Teacher,

van der Burgt, S. M. E., Kusurkar, R. A.Wilschut, J. A.Tjin A Tsoi, S. L. N. M. (2019) Medical specialists’ basic psychological needs, and motivation for work and lifelong learning: a two-step factor score path analysis. BMC Medical Education, 19 ,339

Kusurkar, R. A. (2019) Enhancing autonomous motivation of students should be an integral part of the educational philosophy of a medical school. Medical Teacher, 41(8) ,969

Wijnia, L.Servant-Miklos, V. F. C. (2019) Behind the times: A brief history of motivation discourse in problem-based learning. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 24(5) ,915-929

Orsini, C.Tricio, J.Tapia, D.Segura, C. (2019) How dental students’ course experiences and basic psychological needs influence passion for studying in Chile. Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions, 16:37

Neufeld, A.Malin, G. (2019) Exploring the relationship between medical student basic psychological need satisfaction, resilience, and well-being: A quantitative study. BMC Medical Education, 19 ,405

Orsini, C.Binnie V. I.Tricio, J. A. (2018) Motivational profiles and their relationships with basic psychological needs, academic performance, study strategies, self-esteem, and vitality in dental students in Chile. Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions, 15(11)

Tjin A Tsoi, Boer, A.Croiset, G., Kusurkar, R. A. (2018) Exploring changes in the motivation of Dutch pharmacists with respect to the current continuing education system: a longitudinal approach. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 82(2) ,1-20

Tjin A Tsoi, Boer, A.Croiset, G.Koster, A.S. (2018) How basic psychological needs and motivation affect vitality and lifelong learning adaptability of pharmacists: a structural equation model. Adavances in Health Sciences Education, 23 ,549-566

van der Burgt, S.M.E., Kusurkar, R. A.Croiset, G.Peerdeman, S.M. (2018) Exploring the situational motivation of medical specialists: a qualitative study. International Journal of Medical Education, 9 ,57-63

Visser, C.L.F.Wilschut, J.A.Isik, U.van den Burgt, S.M.E. (2018) The association of readiness for interprofessional learning with empathy, motivation and professional identity development in medical students. BMC Medical Education, 18(125) ,1-10

Poulsen, M., Poulsen, A. A. (2018) Optimising motivation and reducing burnout for radiation oncology trainees: A framework using self‐determination theory. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology, 62(5) ,684-691

Kusurkar, R. A. (2018) Autonomous motivation in medical education. Medical Teacher, 41(9) ,1083-1084

Kusurkar, R. A.Croiset, G. (2018) What will happen after withdrawal of the candy from the lecture?. Education For Health, 31(3) ,184

van Wijk, I. J.Daelmans, H. E. M.Wouters, A.Croiset, G. (2018) Exploring the timing of medical student research internships: before or after clerkships?. BMC Medical Education, 18(259) ,1-8

Isik, U.Wilschut, J.Croiset, G., Kusurkar, R. A. (2018) The role of study strategy in motivation and academic performance of ethnic minority and majority students: a structural equation model. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 23 ,921-935

Isik, U.El Tahir, O.Meeter, M.Heymans, M. W. (2018) Factors Influencing Academic Motivation of Ethnic Minority Students: A Review. Sage Open, 8(2) ,1-23

Visser, C. L. F.Wilschut, J. A.Isik, U.van den Burgt, S. M. E. (2018) The association of readiness for interprofessional learning with empathy, motivation and professional identity development in medical students. BMC Medical Education, 18(125) ,1-10

Caris, M. G.Sikkens, J. J., Kusurkar, R. A.van Agtmael, M. A. (2018) E-learning on antibiotic prescribing: the role of autonomous motivation in participation. A prospective cohort study. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 73(8) ,2247–2251

van der Burgt, S., Kusurkar, R. A.Wilschut, J.Tjin A Tsoi, S. L. N. (2018) Motivational profiles and motivation for lifelong learning of medical specialists. Journal of Continuing Education for Health Professionals, 38(3) ,171-178

Visser, C. L. F., Kusurkar, R. A.Croiset, G.ten Cate, T. J. (2018) Students’ motivation for interprofessional collaboration after their experience on an IPE ward: A qualitative analysis framed by self-determination theory. Medical Teacher, 41(1) ,44-52

Orsini, C.Binnie, V.Wilson, S.Villegas, M. J. (2018) Learning climate and feedback as predictors of dental students’ self-determined motivation: The mediating role of basic psychological needs satisfaction. European Journal of Dental Education, 22(2) ,e228-e236

Rutledge, C.Walsh, C. M.Swinger, N.Auerbach, M. (2018) Gamification in action: Theoretical and practical considerations for medical educators. Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 93(7) ,1014-1020

Schutte, T.Tichelaar, J.Dekker, R. S.Thijs, A. (2017) Motivation and competence of participants in a learner-centered student-run clinic: An exploratory pilot study. BMC Medical Education, 17 (23)

Wouters, A.Croiset, G.Schripsema, N. R.Cohen-Schotanus, J. (2017) Students’ approaches to medical school choice: relationship with students’ characteristics and motivation. International Journal of Medical Education, 8 ,217-226

Lewis, V.Martina, C. A.McDermott, M. P.Chaudron, L. (2017) Mentoring interventions for underrepresented scholars in biomedical and behavioral sciences: Effects on quality of mentoring interactions and discussions. , CBE-Life Sciences Education , 16(3) (pp. ar44) doi: 10.1187/cbe.16-07-0215

Isik, U.Wouters, A.ter Wee, M.M.Croiset, G. (2017) Motivation and academic performance of medical students from ethnic minorities and majority: a comparative study. BMC Medical Education, 17(233) ,1-9

Kramer, I.M., Kusurkar, R. A. (2017) Science-writing in the blogosphere as a tool to promote autonomous motivation in education. The Internet and Higher Education, 35 ,48-62

Wouters, A.Isik, U.Croiset, G., Kusurkar, R. A. (2017) Motivation of Dutch high school students from various backgrounds for applying to study medicine: a qualitative study. BMJ Open, e014779

Wouters, A.Croiset, G.Schripsema, N. R.Cohen-Schotanus, J. (2017) A multisite study on medical school selection, motivation, engagement and academic performance. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 22 ,447

Bowen, J. L.Ilgen, J. S.Irby, D. M.ten Cate, T. J. (2017) “You have to know the end of the story”: Motivations to follow up after transitions of clinical responsibility. Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 92 ,S48-S54

Dybowski, C.Sehner, S.Harendza, S. (2017) Influence of motivation, self-efficacy and situational factors on the teaching quality of clinical educators. BMC Medical Education, 17:84

Mylrea, M. F.Sen Gupta, T.Glass, B. D. (2017) Developing professional identity in undergraduate pharmacy students: A role for self-determination theory. Pharmacy (Basel, Switzerland), 5(2) ,16

Lewis, V.Martina, C. A.McDermott, M. P.Trief, P. M. (2016) A randomized controlled trial of mentoring interventions for underrepresented minorities. , Academic Medicine , 91(7) (pp. 994-1001) doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000001056

Orsini, C.Binnie, V.Fuentes, F.Ledezma, P. (2016) Implications of motivation differences in dental students’ preclinical-clinical transition: A one-year follow-up study. Educacion Medica, 17(4) ,193-196

Orsini, C.Binnie, V. I.Wilson, S. L. (2016) Determinants and outcomes of motivation in health professions education: A systematic review based on self-determination theory. Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions, 13 ,19

Tjin A Tsoi, S.L.N.De Boer, A.Croiset, G.Koster, A. S. (2016) Unraveling motivational profiles of health care professionals for Continuing Education: the example of pharmacists in the Netherlands. The Journal of Continuing Education in Health Professions, 36(1) ,46-54

Wouters, A.Croiset, G.Galindo-Garre, F., Kusurkar, R. A. (2016) Motivation of medical students: selection by motivation or motivation by selection. BMC Medical Education, 16:37

Orsini, C.Binnie, V. I.Wilson, S. L. (2016) Determinants and outcomes of motivation in health professions education: A systematic review based on self-determination theory. Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions, 12 ,19

Tjin A Tsoi, S.De Boer, A.Croiset, G.Koster, A. (2016) Factors Influencing Participation in Continuing Professional Development: A Focus on Motivation Among Pharmacists. Journal of Continuing Education in Health Professions, 36(3) ,144-150

Feri, R.Soemantri, D.Jusuf, A. (2016) The relationship between autonomous motivation and autonomy support in medical students’ academic achievement. Internationa Journal of Medical Education, 7 ,417-423

Sockalingam, S.Wilier, D.Yufe, S.Knox, M. K. (2016) The relationship between academic motivation and lifelong learning during residency: A study of psychiatry residents. Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 91 ,1423-1430

Orsini, C.Binnie, V.Evans, P.Ledezma, P. (2015) Psychometric validation of the Academic Motivation Scale in a dental student sample. Journal of Dental Education, 79 ,971-981

Orsini, C. (2015) Self-determined motivation in Dental Education: Are we supporting autonomy or controlling behaviour?. Journal of Oral Research, 4(2) ,86-87

Orsini, C.Evans, P.Binnie, V.Ledezma, P. (2015) Encouraging intrinsic motivation in the clinical setting: Teachers’ perspectives from the self-determination theory. European Journal of Dental Education, 20 ,102-111

Orsini, C.Evans P.Jerez O. (2015) How to encourage intrinsic motivation in the clinical teaching environment? A systematic review from the self-determination theory. Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions, 12 ,8

Kusurkar, R. A.Croiset, G. (2015) Self-determination theory and scaffolding applied to medical education as a continuum. Academic Medicine, 90(11) ,1431

Kusurkar, R. A.Croiset, G. (2015) Autonomy support for autonomous motivation in medical education. Medical Education Online, 20 ,27951

Kusurkar, R. A.Artino, A. R.ten Cate, O. (2015) Motivation and learning. In P.S. Bhuiyan , N. N. Rege, and A. Supe (Eds.), The art of teaching medical students. (pp. 62-76) Elsevier.

O'Sullivan, P. S.Irby, D. M. (2015) What motivates occasional faculty developers to lead faculty development workshops? A qualitative study. Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 90 ,1536-1540

Biondi, E. A.Varade, W. S.Garfunkel, L. C.Lynn, J. F. (2015) Discordance between resident and faculty perceptions of resident autonomy: can self-determination theory help interpret differences and guide strategies for bridging the divide?. Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 90(4) ,462-471

Biondi, E. A.Varade, W. S.Garfunkel, L. C.Lynn, J. F. (2015) Discordance between resident and faculty perceptions of resident autonomy: Can self-determination theory help interpret differences and guide strategies for bridging the divide?. , Academic Medicine , 90(4) (pp. 462-471) doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000522

Hoffman, B. D. (2015) Using self-determination theory to improve residency training: Learning to make omelets without breaking eggs. , Academic Medicine , 90(4) (pp. 462-471) doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000523

Wouters A.Bakker A.H.van Wijk, I.J.Croiset G. (2014) A qualitative analysis of statements on motivation of applicants for medical school. BMC Medical Education, 14 ,200

Kusurkar, R. A.Croiset, G. (2014) Electives support autonomy and autonomous motivation in undergraduate medical education. Medical Teacher, 36(10) ,915-916

Bernard, D.Martin, J. J.Kulik, N. (2014) Self‐determination theory and well‐being in the health care profession. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 19(3) ,157-170

Korin, T.Thode, J. B.Kakar, S.Blatt, B. (2014) Caffeinating the PBL return session: Curriculum innovations to engage students at two medical schools. Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 89(11) ,1452-1457

Kusurkar, R. A.Croiset, G.Galindo-Garre, FTen Cate, T.J. (2013) Motivational profiles of medical students: Association with study effort, academic performance and exhaustion. BMC Medical Education, 13 ,87

Kusurkar, R. A.Croiset, G.Ten Cate, Th. J. (2013) Implications of gender differences in motivation among medical students. Medical Teacher, 35(2) ,173-174

Kusurkar, R. A.ten Cate, T. J. (2013) AM Last Page: Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire: Self-Determination Theory and motivation in medical students. Academic Medicine, 88(6) ,904

ten Cate, T. J. (2013) Why receiving feedback collides with self determination. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 18(4) ,845-849

Kusurkar, R. A.Ten Cate, T. J.Vos, C. M. P.Westers, P. (2012) How motivation affects academic performance: A structural equation modelling analysis. Advances in Health Sciences Education, Online

Kusurkar, R. A. (2012) Motivation in medical students. PhD thesis. Perspective on Medical Education, 1(3) ,155-157

Kusurkar, R. A.Croiset, G.Mann, K. V.Custers, E. (2012) Have motivation theories guided the development and reform of medical education curricula? A review of the literature. Academic Medicine, 87(6) ,735-743

Kusurkar, R. A. (2012) Motivation in medical students: A PhD thesis report. Perspectives on Medical Education, 1 ,155-157

Baldwin, C. D.Craig, M. S.Garfunkel, L. C.Harris, P. (2012) Autonomy-supportive medical education: Let the force be within you!. , Academic Medicine , 87 (pp. 1468-1469) doi: 10.1097/ACM.0b013e31826cdc3f

Kusurkar, R. A.Croiset, G.Kruitwagen, C.ten Cate, O. (2011) Validity evidence for the measurement of the strength of motivation for medical school. Advances in Health Science Education, 16 ,183-195

Kusurkar, R. A.ten Cate, T. J.van Asperen, M.Croiset, G. (2011) Motivation as an independent and a dependent variable in medical education: A review of the literature. Medical Teacher, 33 ,e242–e262

Croiset, G.Ten Cate, T. J. (2011) Twelve tips to stimulate intrinsic motivation in students through autonomy-supportive classroom teaching derived from Self-Determination Theory. Medical Teacher, 33 ,978-982

Ten Cate, T. J., Kusurkar, R. A., Williams, G. C. (2011) How self-determination theory can assist our understanding of the teaching and learning processes in medical education. AMEE Guide No. 59, Medical Teacher, 33:12 ,961-973

Kusurkar, R. A.ten Cate, T. J.van Asperen, M.Croiset, G. (2011) Motivation as an independent and a dependent variable in medical education: A review of the literature. Medical Teacher, 33 ,e242–e262

Baldwin, C. D.Shone, L.Harris, J. P.Craig, M. S. (2011) Development of a novel curriculum to enhance the autonomy and motivation of residents. , Pediatrics Perspectives , 128 (pp. 633-636) doi: 10.1542/peds.2011-1648

Williams, G. C.Saizow, R. B., Ryan, R. M. (1999) The importance of self-determination theory for medical education. Academic Medicine, 74(9) ,992-995