Qualitative Research

Rymenans, I.Vanovenberghe, C.Du Bois, M., Van den Broeck, A. (2024) Process evaluation of a motivational interviewing intervention in a Social Security setting: A qualitative study among work-disabled patients. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 34 ,141-156

Siacor, K. H.Ng, B., Liu, W. C. (2024) Fostering student motivation and engagement through teacher autonomy support: A self-determination theory perspective. International Journal of Instruction, 17(2) ,583-598

Desimpelaere, E. N.De Clercq, L. E., Soenens, B.Prinzie, P. (2023) Parenting a child with Down syndrome: A qualitative study on parents’ experiences and behaviors from a self-determination theory perspective. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 74 ,e14-e27

Kors, J.de la Croix, A.Martin, L.Verhoeven, C. J. M. (2022) Autonomy-supportive decision-making in maternity care during prenatal consultations: a qualitative interaction analysis. BMJ Open, 12(11) ,e063463

Jeno, L. M.Egelandsdal, K.Grytnes, J-A. (2022) A qualitative investigation of psychological need-satisfying experiences of a mobile learning application: a Self-Determination Theory approach. Computers and Education Open, 3 ,100108

Kusurkar, R. A.Isik, U.Van der Burgt, S.Wouters, A. (2022) What stressors and energizers do PhD students in medicine identify in their work: A qualitative inquiry. Medical Teacher, 44(5) ,559-563

Wannheden, C.Stenfors, T.Stenling, A.von Thiele Schwarz, U. (2021) Satisfied or frustrated? A qualitative analysis of need satisfying and need frustrating experiences of engaging with digital health technology in chronic care. Frontiers in Psychology, 8 ,623772

Salikhova, N. R., Lynch, M. F.Salikhova, A. B. (2021) Adult learners’ responses to online learning: A qualitative analysis grounded in self-determination theory. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 17

Sallay, V.Klinovszky, A.Csuka, S. I.Buzás, N. (2021) Striving for autonomy in everyday diabetes self-management—qualitative exploration via grounded theory approach. BMJ Open, 11 ,e058885

Hansen, S. E.Defenbaugh, N.Mathieu, S. S.Garufi, L. C. (2021) A mixed‐methods exploration of the developmental trajectory of autonomous motivation in graduate medical learners. , Medical Science Educator , 31 (pp. 2017-2031) doi: 10.1007/s40670-021-01396-7

Isik, U.Wouters, A.Verdonk, P.Croiset, G. (2021) “As an ethnic minority, you just have to work twice as hard.” Experiences and motivation of ethnic minority students in medical education. Perspectives on Medical Education, 10(5) ,272-278

van der Goot, W. E.Duvivier, R. J.Van Yperen, N. W.de Carvalho-Filho, M. A. (2021) Psychological distress among frontline workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A mixed-methods study. PLOS ONE, eCollection

Meristo, M. (2021) Emotional turmoil or peaceful agreements? A phenomenological study on coping with reforms in higher education institution. , The Qualitative Report , 26(6) (pp. 1846-1863) doi: 10.46743/2160-3715/2021.4677

Printer, L. (2021) Student perceptions on the motivational pull of Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS): A self-determination theory perspective. The Language Learning Journal, 49(3) ,288-301

Keenan, J.Rahman, R.Hudson, J. (2021) Exploring the acceptance of telehealth within palliative care: A self‐determination theory perspective. Health and Technology, Advance Online

White, R. L.Bennie, A.Vasconcellos, D.Cinelli, R. (2021) Self-determination theory in physical education: A systematic review of qualitative studies. Teaching and Teacher Education, 99 ,103247

van der Burgt, S. M. E.Nauta, K.Croiset, G., Kusurkar, R. A. (2020) A qualitative study on factors influencing the situational and contextual motivation of medical specialists. International Journal of Medical Education, 11 ,111-119

van der Burgt, S. M. E.Nauta, K.Croiset, G.Kusurkar, R. A. (2020) A qualitative study on factors influencing the situational and contextual motivation of medical specialists. International Journal of Medical Education, 11 ,111-119

Lynch, M. F.Salikhova, N. R.Eremeeva, A. V. (2020) Basic needs in other cultures: Using qualitative methods to study key issues in Self-Determination Theory research. Psychology. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 17 ,134-144

Ridgway, J.Lind, C.Hickspn, L. (2020) In B. Ng & G. Ho (Eds.), What motivates people to seek help for their hearing? Applying self-determination theory to hearing healthcare. Springer Self-determination theory and healthy aging, comparative contexts on physical and mental well-being, ,147–169

Visser, C.L.F., Kusurkar, R. A.Croiset, G.ten Cate, O. (2019) Students’ motivation for interprofessional collaboration after their experience on an IPE ward: A qualitative analysis framed by self- determination theory. Medical Teacher, 41(1) ,44-52

Noels, K.A.Adrian-Taylor, S.Saumure, K.Katz, J. W. (2019) Motivation and the support of significant others across language learning contexts. Journal for the Psychology of Language Learning, 1(1) ,106–141

Visser, C. L. F., Kusurkar, R. A.Croiset, G.ten Cate, T. J. (2018) Students’ motivation for interprofessional collaboration after their experience on an IPE ward: A qualitative analysis framed by self-determination theory. Medical Teacher, 41(1) ,44-52

Brown, C. S.Masters, K. S.Huebschmann, A. G. (2018) Identifying Motives of Midlife Black Triathlete Women Using Survey Transformation to Guide Qualitative Inquiry. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 33(1) ,1-20

Sebire, S.Toumpakari, Z.Turner, K. M.Cooper, A. R. (2018) “I’ve made this my lifestyle now”: a prospective qualitative study of motivation for lifestyle change among people with newly diagnosed type two diabetes mellitus. BMC Public Health, 18(204) ,1-10

van der Burgt, S.M.E., Kusurkar, R. A.Croiset, G.Peerdeman, S.M. (2018) Exploring the situational motivation of medical specialists: a qualitative study. International Journal of Medical Education, 9 ,57-63

Lynch, M. F.Salikhova, N. R. (2018) Teachers’ beliefs about the needs of students: Teachers as local experts (a qualitative analysis). Education and Self Development, 12 ,33-43

Wouters, A.Isik, U.Croiset, G., Kusurkar, R. A. (2017) Motivation of Dutch high school students from various backgrounds for applying to study medicine: a qualitative study. BMJ Open, e014779

Sedighi, M.Lukosch, S.van Splunter, S.Brazier, F. M. T. (2017) Employees’ participation in electronic networks of practice within a corporate group: perceived benefits and costs. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 15(3) ,460-470

Wouters, A.Isik, U.Croiset, G.Kusurkar, R. A. (2017) Understanding the motivation for applying for medical school selection – a qualitative study on high school students’ study choice process. BMJ Open, 7 (5)

Côté-Lecaldare, M., Joussemet, M.Dufour, S. (2016) How to support toddlers’ autonomy: A qualitative study with childcare educators. Early Education and Development, (27)6 ,822-840

O'Sullivan, P. S.Irby, D. M. (2015) What motivates occasional faculty developers to lead faculty development workshops? A qualitative study. Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 90 ,1536-1540

Wouters A.Bakker A.H.van Wijk, I.J.Croiset G. (2014) A qualitative analysis of statements on motivation of applicants for medical school. BMC Medical Education, 14 ,200

Meis, J. J. M.Bosma, C.Spruit, M. A.Franssen, F. M. E. (2014) A qualitative assessment of COPD patients’ experiences of pulmonary rehabilitation and guidance by healthcare professionals. Respiratory Medicine, 108 ,500-510

Sebire, S., Standage, M.Gillison, F. B., Vansteenkiste, M. (2013) “Coveting thy neighbour’s legs”: a qualitative study of exercisers’ experiences of intrinsic and extrinsic goal pursuit. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 35 ,308-321

Aelterman, N., Vansteenkiste, M.Van Keer, H.De Meyer, J. (2013) Development and evaluation of a training on need-supportive teaching in Physical Education: Qualitative and quantitative findings. Teaching and Teacher Education, 29 ,64-75

Vazou, S., Ntoumanis, N.Duda, J.L. (2005) Peer motivational climate in youth sport: A qualitative inquiry. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 6 ,497-516

Hassandra, M.Goudas, M.Chroni, S. (2003) Examining factors associated with intrinsic motivation in physical education: A qualitative approach. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 4 ,211–223