Politics and Government

Waterschoot, J.Morbée, S.Yzerbyt, V.Van den Bergh, O. (2024) Why motivation for adhering to COVID-19 measures matters: Investigating time-lagged associations with epidemiological indicators. Motivation Science, Advance online publication

Ryan, R. M., DeHaan, C. R. (2023) The social conditions for human flourishing: Economic and political influences on basic psychological needs. Oxford University Press ,1149-1170

Fabian, M.Brewing, R.De Neve, J-E. (2023) Worldview defence and self-determination theory explain the return of racial voting: Evidence from the 2016 US election. European Journal of Social Psychology, 53(1) ,147-166

Waterschoot, J.Morbée, S.Van den Bergh, O.Yzerbyt, V. (2023) How the stringency of the COVID-19 restrictions influences motivation for adherence and well-being: The critical role of proportionality. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, Advance online publication

Pietilä, M.Saurio, K., Martela, F.Silfver, M. (2023) Basic psychological needs, quality of motivation, and protective behavior intentions: A nationally representative survey study. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 11(1)

Vansteenkiste, M.Waterschoot, J.Morbée, SVan Oost, P. (2023) Psychological science and its societal mission during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: The Motivation Barometer as an evidence-informed policy instrument in Belgium. Social Issues and Policy Review, Advance online publication

Martela, F.Hankonen, N., Ryan, R. M., Vansteenkiste, M. (2021) Motivating voluntary compliance to behavioural restrictions: Self-determination theory-based checklist of principles for COVID-19 and other emergency communications. , European Review of Social Psychology , 32(2) (pp. 305-347) doi: 10.1080/10463283.2020.1857082

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Sherman, A.K.Bird, S.Powers, S.Rowe, A. (2016) Motivational orientation explains the link between political ideology and proenvironmental behavior. Ecopsychology, 8(4) ,239-249

Rosen, C.Ferris, L.Brown, D.Chen, Y. (2014) Perceptions of organizational politics: A need satisfaction paradigm. Organization Science, ,1026-1055

Losier, G. F.Perreault, S., Koestner, R., Vallerand, R. J. (2001) Examining individual differences in the internalization of political values: Validation of the Self-determination Scale of Political Motivation. Journal of Research in Personality, 35(1) ,41-61

Ryan, R. M., La Guardia, J. G. (1999) Achievement motivation within a pressured society: Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations to learn and the politics of school reform. In T. Urdan (Ed.), Advances in motivation and achievement. , 11 (pp. 45-85) Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.

Losier, G. F., Koestner, R. (1999) Intrinsic versus identified regulation in distinct political campaigns: The consequences of following politics for pleasure versus personal meaningfulness. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 25 ,287-298

Koestner, R., Losier, G. F., Vallerand, R. J.Carducci, D. (1996) Identified and introjected forms of political internalization: Extending self-determination theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70 ,1025-1036