
SDT Researchers Conduct Virtualized Intervention for Diabetes

August 1, 2014 by Shannon

August 1st 2014.   The Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) research program was conducted as a pilot evaluation of a partly virtualized intervention that delivered content along with 6 monthly visits with a registered dietitian.  The results of this intervention produced clinically significant weight loss and improvements in glycemic control, blood pressure, and...

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Psychology Today: Meditation as Medicine: It’s Not What You Think

December 6, 2013 by Shannon

Kirk Brown and Richard Ryan quoted on Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction... "Researchers at the University of Rochester, Kirk Brown and Richard Ryan, suggest that MBSR can be effective for those suffering from chronic illness and pain. They have also shown that MBSR can significantly improve positive well-being, and diminish cognitive and emotional disturbances in cancer patients."

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Wired – Wellness and Prevention: Compelling Design is About Psychology, Not Technology

December 5, 2013 by Shannon

"So if a good gamified solution doesn’t have to look like a game, what does it have to have? I argue that it has to capture the psychology of games, the principles that capture people’s attention and keep them coming back for another experience. Games hook players by fulfilling their psychological needs. Self-determination theory describes what those needs are..."

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Huffington Post: Who is Driving Your Health and Wellness

July 10, 2013 by Shannon

July 10th 2013. “Edward Deci and Richard Ryan, professors at the University of Rochester and developers of Self-Determination Theory, the most respected theory of human motivation, have shown that thriving results from satisfying three motivational drives: the desire to be autonomous: to make choices that are true to one’s core, not imposed by others or...

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Wired: Compelling Design is About Psychology, Not Technology

January 14, 2013 by Shannon

December 5th 2013. Image: niallkennedy/Flickr Don’t get me wrong: No one who’s held an iPhone can deny the appeal of beautifully designed technology. But what really makes a product stick has more to do with the psychology behind its design than its physical or functional features. It’s all about the how, not the what. Every...

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TIME: To Keep Willpower from Flagging, Remember the F-Word: ‘Fun’

October 22, 2010 by Shannon

October 22nd 2010. Exercising self-control isn’t fun. If you’re dieting, for instance, you may easily resist the blueberry muffin at that impossibly aromatic bakeshop you pass by in the morning. You may then have lunch with your friends but just order a small salad (sans creamy dressing, of course). But at some point later in...

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HUFFINGTON POST: Who Is Driving Your Health and Wellness?

July 7, 2010 by Shannon

July 7th 2010 As a student of how people change, I think often about an interesting conundrum, particularly as it relates to people choosing to be or not to be in the driver’s seat, living a life that supports health and well-being. Edward Deci and Richard Ryan, professors at the University of Rochester and developers of Self-Determination Theory, the most respected theory...

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