Psychology Today: Meditation as Medicine: It’s Not What You ThinkDecember 6, 2013 by Shannon

meditationDecember 6, 2013

Wake up. Make breakfast. Drop off the kids. Go to work. Finish that report. Pick up the kids. Make dinner. Pay the bills. Plan for tomorrow. Go to sleep. Rinse and repeat.

Whether it’s the life of a suburban parent of three or a young urban professional, it never really seems to stop. Neither does the stress and, at times, the pain that comes along with living a life of constant errands, jobs, and responsibilities. But what can we do?

To Jon Kabat-Zinn it’s not a matter of doing, it’s a matter of being. The Professor of Medicine Emeritus and founding director of the Stress Reduction Clinic and the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School believes that we are losing ourselves amongst the concern and stress of our to-do list. In response to the ever-growing demand for relief from this stress, Kabat-Zinn developed the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) approach.

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By Robert T. Muller