SDT Education Consortium

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About the SDT Education Consortium

The SDT Education Consortium consists of educators—at all levels—who seek and share practical information and skills for integrating Self-Determination Theory into their work. Consortium members gather occasionally to discuss a recent publications, engage with scholars, and create and share SDT resources for use in schools around the world. Our goal is to build a collaborative community of educators committed to SDT’s academic, social, motivational, and well-being benefits for schools, and all who work and learn in them. The consortium is staffed by volunteers.

Basic Psychological Needs central to SDT

  1. Autonomy: the need to feel personal ownership over our behavior —to feel that what we are doing is done voltionally and is in harmony with our our deeper values. Students’ sense of autonomy grows when they feel the work they are doing has meaning and is relevant to their interests and needs.
  2. Relatedness: the need to feel that we have warm relationships with, and are accepted unconditionally by people important to us. Relatedness at school includes the feeling of being liked and valued by both by adults and by peers.
  3. Competence: the need to feel confident that we have the skills to perform effectively when facing the reasonable challenges that life presents us. At school, competence certainly includes confidence in our ability to learn and to have both academic and social successes.
Practical strategies for school

Five Competence-Supportive Behaviors for the Classroom
(upload attachment sent by David)
Six Relationship-Building Behaviors for the Classroom
(Attachment sent by David)
Motivational Behavior Checklist
(Don Berg, compiled from Ahmadi et al.)
(Attachment sent by David)
Learn More

Six Strategies for Promoting Autonomy
Motivating Students Using Self-Determination Theory
How to Help Students Focus on Learning Instead of Their Grades
Student Motivation: Why Autonomy Matters
A Case for Autonomy in Schools
Cultivating Belonging in the Classroom
Education: Intrinsic Motivation in the Classroom
(Coursera video by Dr. Richard Ryan, already on consortium page)
What Happens When Your Child Has a Highly Autonomy-Supportive Teacher
(Video by Dr. Johnmarshall Reeve, already on consortium page)
How you can help us

The Center for Self-Determination Theory wants to help schools be healthier, more productive places for living and learning. If you use strategies or practices that you feel foster the basic psychological needs of autonomy, relatedness, or competence—or that help internalize motivation—please let us know. We want to help make these available to educators everywhere.

Suggested Readings & Research

(2022) Supporting students' motivation: Strategies for success

Supporting students' motivation: Strategies for success

Reeve, J. Ryan, R. M. Cheon, S. H. Matos, L. Kaplan, H.

(2023) The Oxford handbook of self-determination theory

Education as flourishing: Self-determination theory in schools as they are and as they might be

Ryan, R. M. Reeve, J. Matos, L. Cheon, S. H.

(2024) International Journal of Educational Research

What need-supportive and need-thwarting teaching behaviors do university teachers use in their honors classes? An observational study

King, T. Smits, A. Jaarsma, D. Voogt, J.