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Daily Teacher Autonomy Practices – Student Report (DTAP-SR)

The DTAP-student report measures students’ perceptions of the extent to which their teacher in a specific class and context used practices intended to support or thwart autonomy on a given day. The measure was developed for research designs that focus on the repeated measurement of students’ daily experiences of teacher practice (e.g., dairy studies, intensive longitudinal designs). Items were based on prior measures used in cross-sectional research (Assor et al., 2002; 2005; Belmont, Skinner, Wellborn, & Connell, 1992; Katz, Kaplan & Gueta, 2009; Patall et al., 2013; Reeve & Jang, 2006; Reeve, Jang, Carrell, Jeon, & Barch, 2004; Wellborn & Connell, 1987). As such, subscales for each teacher practice are relative brief. The measure contains 27 items to assess six supportive daily practices and three thwarting daily practices. Supportive practices include: (a) provision of choices (5 items); (b) consideration for student interests (3 items); (c) rationales regarding the importance of course material (4 items); (d) student question opportunities (3 items); (e) opportunities for students to express negative affect (2 items); and (f) encouraging and informational feedback* (3 items). Thwarting teacher practices include (g) controlling messages (3 items), (h) suppression of student perspectives (3 items), and (i) uninteresting activities (2 items). In priori research, secondary and post-secondary students have rated the extent to which they agree with each item on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from not at all true (1) to extremely true (5). However, the rating scale can be adapted for the specific purpose of the research and for the specific target population.


Main Questionnaire

800 KB

Daily Teacher Autonomy Practices – Student Report (DTAP-SR)

Full 27-item package and supplemental material included in downloadable PDF.


(2002) British Journal of Educational Psychology

Choice is good, but relevance is excellent: Autonomy-enhancing and suppressing teacher behaviours in predicting student's engagement in school work

Assor, A. Kaplan, H. Roth, G.

(2005) Learning and Instruction

Directly controlling teachers' behaviors as predictors of poor motivation and engagement in girls and boys: The role of anger and anxiety

Assor, A. Kaplan, H. Kanat-Maymon, Y. Roth, G.

(2010) The Journal of Experimental Education

Students' needs, teachers' support, and motivation for doing homework: A cross-sectional study

Katz, I. Kaplan, A. Gueta, G.

(2013) Journal of Educational Psychology

Constructing motivation through choice, interest, and interestingness

Patall, E. A.

(2006) Journal of Educational Psychology

What teachers say and do to support students' autonomy during a learning activity

Reeve, J. Jang, H.

(2004) Motivation and Emotion

Enhancing students' engagement by increasing teachers' autonomy support

Reeve, J. Jang, H. Carrell, D. Jeon, S. Barch, J.

Validation Articles

(2017) Cognition & Instruction

Supporting and thwarting autonomy in the high school science classroom

Patall, E. A. Vasquez, A. C. Steingut, R. R. Trimble, S. R. Pitch, K. A.