Fast Company: Facebook Paying Users for Ad Views: The Good, The Bad, and The Psychologically UglyMay 8, 2011 by Shannon

May 8th 2011. 

fbFamed psychologist Edward Deci of the University of Rochester, and spotlight researcher in The New York Times bestseller, Drive, tells Fast Company that rewards “change the relationship” between people and the activities they enjoy doing for free. “Once you begin rewarding them, they start to see it as something they do to get the reward.” He continues, “Doing the behavior becomes dependent on the reward…now they won’t do the activity unless they continue to get rewards.”

With a scarcity model of attention in mind, what might be the consequencs of paying viewers for ads? (For a review of research, check out this stellar animated talk of Daniel Pink.)

Read the full story at:

By Gregory Ferenstein