News How to Make Your Staff More Creative

February 10, 2012 by Shannon

February 10th 2012. According to research by Edward Deci and Richard Ryan of the University of Rochester, New York, unreasonable time constraints, micromanagement, focused thinking and overreliance on financial incentives all reduce workplace ­creativity. So what can you do to foster an inventive environment? Read more at: By Andrea Kuszewski

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New York Times: Guest Post | Helping Students Motivate Themselves

January 9, 2012 by Shannon

January 9th 2012. A recent Times article, “Motivating Students With Cash-for-Grades Incentive,” looks at efforts around the world to pay students for academic achievement. In it, Edward Deci, a psychologist at the University of Rochester and author of of “Why We Do What We Do,” is quoted: “It is easy to get people to do things by...

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New York Times: Motivating Students With Cash-For-Grades Incentive

November 20, 2011 by Shannon

November 20th 2011. However widely held, do such views represent anything more than entrenched prejudice? Edward Deci maintains they do. “What we think of as the amount of motivation is not nearly as important as the type of motivation,” said Mr. Deci, a professor of psychology at the University of Rochester and the author of...

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VIDEO: In an interview with ABC News Richard Ryan discusses coming out as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, and how the environment influences the coming out process

June 30, 2011 by Shannon

June 30th 2011. In an interview with ABC News, Richard Ryan discusses coming out as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, and how the environment influences the coming out process. This research was conducted by Nicole Legate, Richard Ryan and Netta Weinstein. Originally posted at:

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YouTube: ABC News Interview with Richard Ryan

June 30, 2011 by Shannon

June 30th 2011. In an interview with ABC News, Richard Ryan discusses coming out as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, and how the environment influences the coming out process. This research was conducted by Nicole Legate, Richard Ryan and Netta Weinstein. ABC World News

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HUFFINGTON POST: Two Studies on Gays Coming Out…or Not

June 22, 2011 by Shannon

June 22nd 2011.  “When people did come out in a certain aspect of their lives, the benefits were tempered by how accepting that community was, said study researcher Richard Ryan, a psychologist at the University of Rochester in New York. “We didn’t find any overall negative effect of coming out in controlling environments,” Ryan told...

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