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Overview: Self-Determination in Education

Understanding learners’ motivation is key if we want to educate children to become self-directed and lifelong learners.

According to Self-Determination Theory, learners have a natural tendency to explore their environments, to grow, learn and develop; yet we know that students’ intrinsic motivation dramatically deteriorates as they progress through school. By their teenage years many have lost interest in and excitement for school. Many teachers struggle daily to energize and motivate learners who lack enthusiasm, are passive, uncooperative, or even disruptive. An important goal of education then is to cultivate learners’ inherent tendencies toward growth. SDT provides a theoretical framework and sound solutions for some of the educational policies and practices currently hampering, rather than fostering, learners’ intrinsic motivation.

The Importance of School Climate, for Learners and Teachers 

Motivation in school is not only about learners. Teachers bring their own personalities and motivations to the classroom. Too often, their own autonomy, competence, and relatedness are undermined by administrative control, inflexible curricula or lack of support. SDT researchers have increasingly examined factors that influence teachers’ motivation, as well as the role their motivation plays in their interactions with students. Evidence shows that when teachers are empowered, increase their confidence and have opportunities to be creative, learners benefit. Creating a climate that supports the needs of both teachers and learners thus has substantial outcomes – both academically and socially. 

SDT as a Framework in Education

The theory’s framework offers a refreshing perspective on educational policies and practices relevant to student motivation and flourishing. SDT focuses on how schools can help satisfy (rather than thwart) the basic psychological needs of both adults and students, such that schools become places where all parties can develop intrinsic, or fully internalized extrinsic, motivation. SDT’s framework is as refreshing and inspirational as it is sound. The learning climate it promises deserves the appreciation of parents, school leaders, and policy makers as much as it does that of students and teachers.

Education In Practice

A Needs-Based Approach to Motivating Teaching

SDT refers to three basic psychological needs (autonomy, competence and relatedness), the nutrients needed by every learner to actively and positively be involved in learning. These needs are innate and their satisfaction is fundamental for intrinsic motivation and internalized forms of extrinsic motivation (i.e., the process by which non-fun activities can still be valued and embraced by learners).
The need for autonomy refers to one’s need to feel like the initiator of one’s actions, and the need for a sense of psychological freedom when engaging in a learning activity. The need for competence refers to learners’ feelings of effectiveness and to their need to experience confidence in achieving desired outcomes. The need for relatedness refers to learners’ experiences of positive and mutually satisfying relationships characterized by a sense of warmth and trust. Many factors can contribute to the satisfaction of these needs, but among the most important is a teachers’ style of engaging with the students.
Teachers thus face the challenge of supporting rather than thwarting these three needs through the adoption of an autonomy-supportive, appropriately structured, and warm motivating style rather than a style that is controlling, chaotic, or cold. Only then can teachers foster intrinsic motivation and internalization. Hundreds of studies have demonstrated the “how-to” as well as the benefits of a need-supportive motivating style. The drawbacks of a need-thwarting style –  and particularly a pressuring or controlling style – are also well documented, along with the detrimental effects of extrinsic rewards, punishments, high-stakes testing, social comparisons, and most kinds of negative feedback.
More recent SDT-based work in education also recognizes that every student is different. Students enter the classroom with diverse backgrounds, goals and personality characteristics. A truly motivating style essentially refers to a curious, receptive, flexible, warm and open attitude, which allows teachers to gain deeper insights into learners’ individual differences, so that they can tailor their motivating strategies to individual skill sets, interests, values, and preferences. This need-supportive attitude then pervades everything teachers say or do with their learners.
About the SDT Education Consortium

The SDT Education Consortium consists of educators—at all levels—who seek and share practical information and skills for integrating Self-Determination Theory into their work. Consortium members gather occasionally to discuss a recent publications, engage with scholars, and create and share SDT resources for use in schools around the world. Our goal is to build a collaborative community of educators committed to SDT’s academic, social, motivational, and well-being benefits for schools, and all who work and learn in them. The consortium is staffed by volunteers.

How You Can Help Us

The Center for Self-Determination Theory wants to help schools be healthier, more productive places for living and learning. If you use strategies or practices that you feel foster the basic psychological needs of autonomy, relatedness, or competence—or that help internalize motivation—please let us know. We want to help make these available to educators everywhere.

Practical Strategies for School

Learn More

Upcoming Education Consortium Meeting Details

Upcoming Events
Monthly meetings are planned through May, 2025, all for the 3rd Tuesday (Western hemisphere). Starting times will vary, in our attempt to make “live” attendance possible in different time zones.

📅 Date:  18 March, 2025
Time:  7:00 p.m Eastern Time (US & Canada)
[9:00AM in Seoul, 11:00AM Sydney, Australia]
💻 Presenter: Marie-Claire Wonacott (North Clackamas School District, OR)
📍Topic: The Transformation of Two Schools via SDT
📝Article for Participant Reading: From Bottom to Top: The Transformation of Two Schools


📅 Date:  15 April, 2025
Time:  12:00 noon Eastern Time (US & Canada)
[18:00 in Western Europe]
💻 Presenter: Dr. Maarten Vansteenkiste (CSDT International Scholar, Universiteit Gent, Belgium)
📍Topic: SDT as a Compass in the Classroom


📅 Date:  20 May, 2025
Time:  2:00 p.m. Eastern Time (US & Canada)
[20:00 in Western Europe]
💻 Presenter: Bridget Gwinnett (Greensboro Day School, North Carolina)
📍Topic: Restorative Practices and SDT Working Together at School.

See videos of past meetings below in the Video section

Suggested Readings & Research

(2021) Educational Psychologist

Autonomy-supportive teaching: Its malleability, benefits, and potential to improve educational practice

Reeve, J. Cheon, S. H.

(2020) Contemporary Educational Psychology

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation from a self-determination theory perspective: Definitions, theory, practices, and future directions

Ryan, R. M. Deci, E. L.

(2012) Journal of Educational Psychology

Longitudinal test of self-determination theory's motivation mediation model in a naturally occurring classroom context

Jang, H. Kim, E. J. Reeve, J.

(1991) The Educational Psychologist

Motivation and education: The self-determination perspective

Deci, E. L. Vallerand, R. J. Pelletier, L. G. Ryan, R. M.

(2009) Theory and Research in Education

Autonomy, competence, and relatedness in the classroom: Applying self-determination theory to educational practice

Niemiec, C. P. Ryan, R. M.

(2009) Theory and Research in Education

Undermining quality teaching and learning: A self-determination theory perspective on high-stakes testing

Ryan, R. M. Weinstein, N.

(2024) Cognizance Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies

Integrating Systems Thinking and Project Based Learning in Supporting Basic Psychological Needs: A Proposed Model for Filipino STEM Students

Tulinao, J. C. S. Bailey, M.

(2022) Learning and Instruction

When students show some initiative: Two experiments on the benefits of greater agentic engagement

Reeve, J. Jang, H-R. Shin, S. H. Ahn, J. S. Matos, L. Gargurevich, R.

(2023) International Journal of Bullying Prevention

Teachers’ motivation to participate in anti-bullying training and their intention to intervene in school bullying: A Self-Determination Theory perspective

Sutter, C. C. Haugen, J. S. Campbell, L. O. Jones, J. L. T.

(2021) The Qualitative Report

Emotional turmoil or peaceful agreements? A phenomenological study on coping with reforms in higher education institution

Meristo, M.


Student-centered pedagogy and course transformation at scale: Facilitating faculty agency to IMPACT institutional change

Levesque, C. S.

(2021) Educational Psychologist

Autonomy-supportive teaching: Its malleability, benefits, and potential to improve educational practice

Reeve, J. Cheon, S. H.

(2020) Contemporary Educational Psychology

Fostering the use of pedagogical practices among teachers to support elementary students’ motivation to write

Guay, F. Gilbert, W. Falardeau, E. Bradet, R. Boulet, J.
