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Work Climate Questionnaire (WCQ)

The Work Climate Questionnaire (WCQ) is typically used with respect to specific work settings, such as teams or work groups that have one manager and assesses particpants’ perceptions of the degree fo autonomy supportiveness of their managers. It includes items like: “My manager provides me with choices and options about my work.” Responses are made on a  7-point scale ranging from 1 (not at all true) to 7 (very true). 

This questionnaire was first introduced by Deci, Connell, & Ryan (1989) as the Work Climate Survey (WCS) and then later named the WCQ by Baard, Deci, & Ryan (2002). 

The WCQ has a long form containing 15 items and a short form containing 6 of the items. If you would like to use the 6-item version, simply reconstitute the questionnaire using only items # 1, 2, 4, 7, 10 and 14.

The wording in this questionnaire can be changed slightly to specify the particular situation being studied. In these cases, the questions pertain to the autonomy support of the respondent’s manager. If, however, the WCQ is being used to assess a general work climate that goes beyond a particular work group, the questions are stated with respect to the autonomy support in general of the managers of that company, department, or organization. Below, you will find the 15-item version of the questionnaire, worded in terms of “my manager” (or supervisor). 


Main Questionnaire


(2004) Journal of Applied Social Psychology

Intrinsic need satisfaction: A motivational basis of performance and well-being in two work settings

Baard, P. P. Deci, E. L. Ryan, R. M.

(1989) Journal of Applied Psychology

Self-determination in a work organization

Deci, E. L. Connell, J. P. Ryan, R. M.

Validation Articles

(2004) Journal of Applied Social Psychology

Intrinsic need satisfaction: A motivational basis of performance and well-being in two work settings

Baard, P. P. Deci, E. L. Ryan, R. M.