- Mark Your 2016 Calendars for the Next SDT Conference: To be held June 2-5, 2016 in beautiful Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
- YouTube Video: Yet, another application of SDT -> Summer Camps Create Autonomously Supportive Environments (Oct 17, 2014)
- Fast Company: How to Turn Monday into a Day You Actually Enjoy (September 25, 2014)
- Huffington Post: 6 Reasons to Start Working Out Outside (September 21, 2014)
- LifeHacker.com: The Complex Relationship Between Happiness and 6 Motivation (August 18, 2014)
- Global Gurus: World’s Top 30 Education Professionals for 2014 (July 29, 2014)
- Huffington Post: Here’s Proof ‘Doing What You Love’ Pays Off (July 14, 2014)
- NOW: Toronto: Get Smart, Love Nature (May 28, 2014)
- Living Green Magazine: Being in Nature Makes Us Healthier and Happier (May 2, 2014)
- Forbes.com: 4 Steps to Reaching Your Money Goals — Faster! (April 24, 2014)
- Natural News: Spending Money on Experience, Rather than Items, Increases Happiness (April 19, 2014)
- Wired – Wellness and Prevention: Getting Social Without the Networking: Enhancing Relatedness (Dec 20, 2013)
- Wired – Wellness and Prevention: Compelling Design is About Psychology, Not Technology (Dec 5, 2013)
- Huffington Post: It’s Simple, Easy and Free — And It Will Improve Your Life (Oct 8, 2013)
- NY Times: The Accumulated Wisdom on Bribing Your Children (Oct 3, 2013)
- Huffington Post: What Would You Do With Ten Extra Years of Life (Sept 7, 2013)
- Huffington Post: Hemingway, Thoreau, Jefferson & the Virtues of a Good Long Walk (Aug 9, 2013)
- Huffington Post: Who is Driving Your Health & Wellness? (July 10, 2013)
- VIDEO: Clip from Richard Ryan’s and Edward Deci’s Opening Remarks at the 2013 SDT Conference (June 27, 2013)
- PRESS RELEASE: More than 500 Psychologists Explore Human Motivation During International Conference in Rochester, June 27 to 30 (June 14, 2013).
- Rochester Business Journal: Job Satisfaction Often Trumps a Hefty Paycheck (June 25, 2013)
- Press Release: ‘Mean Girls’ Be Warned: Ostracism Cuts Both Ways. New study by SDT researchers at Rochester shows that those who shun another person are equally distressed (March 5, 2013)
- Huffington Post: NFL Draft Preparation: Put Your Money Where Your Mindset Is (March 3, 2013).
- Scientific America: How to Be a Better Friend (April 28, 2013)
- Press Release: New book by University of Queensland faculty uses SDT to examine the effect of motivation and personality on a child’s behavior (February 28, 2013)
- Slate Magazine: Experts Say Not to Bribe Kids. I’ll Give you $10 and Stale Candy if You Prove Them Wrong (January 15, 2013)
- New York Times: Train a Parent, Spare a Child (January 11, 2013)
- HRZone: 3 Lessons from Edward Deci on Why Cash Is Not King for Employee Motivation (December 05, 2012).
- NBCNews.com: Want happy workers? Pour on the praise (December 04, 2012).
- CNBC: Inside Employee Motivation: Does Money Really Make a Difference (November 26, 2012). Also on Yahoo!Finance & NBCNews.com.
- Scientific American: Three Critical Elements Sustain Motivation (November 21, 2012).
- Wired News: How ‘Gamification’ Can Make Your Customer Service Worse (November 14, 2012). To read more about SDT and Gaming, click here.
- Globe and Mail: When we’re at our best (November 12, 2012).
- Wall Street Journal: Some Don’t Live to Earn, but Earn to Live (November 8, 2012).
- NothernLife.ca: A little fresh air (November 5, 2012).
- Video: Supporting Athletes’ Needs (October 19, 2012).
- Calgary Herald: As winter nears, push away the dread and celebrate what we’ve got (October 02, 2012)
- CNN: Backpacking for the Mind, Body and Soul (August 15, 2012)
- BBC News:Out at the Office: Loud and Proud (July 03, 2012)
- TEDx Talk (Rochester, NY): “I love motivation…” Ed Deci talks about promoting motivation, health, and excellence (June 9, 2012)
- INsite Gainesvile:Win From Within: The Secret to Motivation (May 17, 2012)
- The Atlantic: What We Know Now About How to Be Happy (May 17, 2012)
- BBC: Does Money Really Motivate People? (May 10, 2012)
- The Guardian: What Can Business Leaders Learn From Ancient Greek Philosophers? (May 4, 2012)
- Canada Globe and Mail: Can Homophobia Sometimes Mask Same-Sex Desire? (May 1, 2012)
- Slate: Homo Say What? (April 30, 2012)
- CBS News: Homophobia May Reveal Denial of Own Same-Sex Attraction, Study Suggests (April 10, 2012).
- USA Today: New SDT “Study Examines the Roots of Homophobia.” The study, published in the April Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, is the first to document the role that both parenting and implicit sexual orientation play in reactions to and fear of homosexuals. To watch interview with Richard Ryan, co-author on study, click here (April 6, 2012)
- Huffington Post: Homophobes Gay? Study Ties Anti-Gay Outlook to Homosexuality, Authoritarian Parenting (April 9, 2012.
- The Straits’ Sunday Times (Singapore): Richard Ryan comments on “Should You Reward Your Child for A Grades?” (April 1, 2012)
- International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity publishes conference papers on “SDT and MI in Behavioral Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Health” (April, 2010)
- Journal of Adolescence‘s features SDT Research in current special issue “The Cross-Cultural Significance of Control and Autonomy in Parent-Adolescent Relationships” (April 2010)
- Washington Post: Bribing Students: Another ‘Magical Solution’ That Doesn’t Work (Mar. 20, 2012)
- Wired.co.uk: How to Make Your Staff More Creative (Feb. 10, 2012)
- New York Times: Guest Post | Helping Students Motivate Themselves (Jan. 9, 2012)
- The Psychology of Resolutions: Edward Deci explains why people have so much trouble with resolutions and offers his 5 tips on how to be more successful at keeping your own (Jan. 1, 2012)
- PUBLISHED: “Human Autonomy in Cross-Cultural Context: Perspectives on the Psychology of Agency, Freedom and Well-Being” edited by Valery I. Chirkov, Richard M. Ryan, and Kennon M. Sheldon. Features SDT faculty and others
- The New Republic: No Bribe Left Behind: Putting Newt’s Zaniest Education Policy to the Test (Dec. 28, 2011)
- VIDEO: “The High Price of Materialism,” released by SDT Faculty Member Tim Kasser, is a short animated video about America’s culture of consumerism and its undermining effects on well-being (Dec. 4, 2011)
- New York Times: Motivating Students With Cash-For-Grades Incentive (Nov. 20, 2011)
- BUSINESS WORLD: Buying Happiness (Nov. 6, 2011)
- MSN: Give Fear the Finger (Sept. 13, 2011)
- ABC News: Gray and Gay: Closeted Psychiatrist Comes Out After 40 Years (July 8, 2011)
- VIDEO: In an interview with ABC News, Richard Ryan discusses coming out as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, and how the environment influences the coming out process. This research was conducted by Nicole Legate, Richard Ryan and Netta Weinstein (Jun. 30, 2011)
- HUFFINGTON POST: Two Studies on Gays Coming Out…or Not (June 22, 2011)
- DAVENPORT KWQC: Support is Key to ‘Coming Out’ Process for Gay People (June 21, 2011)
- LA TIMES: ‘It gets better,’ but only if you’re in a supportive environment, study finds (June 21, 2011)
- VIDEO: Richard Ryan’s interview on ABC’s “Good Morning America” — Halfway Out: Why Many Stay Closeted in the Workplace (June 20, 2011)
- informIT: Choosing to Perform Well (May 23, 2011)
- CBS MoneyWatch: Kids and Money: 5 Ways to Instill Good Habits (May 12, 2011)
- Fast Company: Facebook Paying Users for Ad Views: The Good, The Bad, and The Psychologically Ugly (May 9, 2011)
- HUFFINGTON POST: The Secret to a Life of No Regrets: Live Before You Die (May 3, 2011)
- EXAMINER.COM: U of Rochester Motivation Guru Takes His Show on the Road (Mar. 21, 2011)
- WALL STREET JOURNAL: Is Happiness Overrated? (Mar. 16, 2011)
- GantDaily.com: Freedom to Choose Leisure Activities Benefits People with Autism (Mar. 2, 2011)
- HUFFINGTON POST: Face to Face: Virtual Teachers Can’t Replace the Real Thing (Jan. 28, 2011)
- HUFFINGTON POST: Spectator Nation: Are You a Screen Junkie (Jan. 11, 2011)
- Ottawa Citizen: How to Make Lasting Changes in Your Life (Dec. 31, 2010)
- BANK ON YOURSELF: The Secret to Making Your Financial New Year’s Resolutions Stick — You! (Dec. 21, 2010)
- FEATURED NEWS: Rochester City Newspaper highlights SDT Research, “Psychology: Cracking the Mystery of Motivation” (Dec. 08, 2010)
- HUFFINGTON POST: The 3 Core Needs: Satisfy Them and You’ll be Happy (Nov. 15, 2010)
- PBS MEDIASHIFT: Can Social Sharing Survive the Rise of Rewards-Based Campaigns (Nov. 8, 2010)
- TIME: To Keep Willpower from Flagging, Remember the F-Word: ‘Fun’ (Oct. 22, 2010)
- HUFFINGTON POST: Don’t Curb Your Enthusiasm: The Problem With Being Cool (Oct. 13, 2010)
- NOW AVAILABLE: Photos & Full Conference Program from the 4th International SDT Conference
- CONFERENCE PRESS RELEASE: What Drives Us? Rochester Model of Human Motivation Attracts Growing Affirmation (June 2010)
- SPORT PSYCH CONF: Join SDT Faculty (Biddle, Chatzisarantis, Duda, & Ntoumanis) @ the 11th Nat’l Conference on Sport Psychology Nov. 4-7 in Trikala Greece
- LA TIMES: Busy bodies, happy minds (Sept. 20, 2010)
- ROCHESTER REVIEW: Self-Determined: What motivates you? Two Rochester experimental psychologists are challenging some cherished assumptions (Aug. 2010)
- SCIENCE WATCH INTERVIEW: Richard Ryan on the Many Applications of Self-Determination Theory (Aug. 2010)
- HUFFINGTON POST: Who Is Driving Your Health and Wellness? (July 7, 2010)
- SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: Nature Boosts Self-Evaluation of Vitality (June 8, 2010)
- SEATTLE POST INTELLIGENCER: Motivating Employees in the 21st Century (April 6, 2010)
- RESEARCH STUDY: “When helping helps”: SDT study shows mutual benefits for helper and recipient. Published in the February 2010 issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
- WALL STREET JOURNAL: More Than a Paycheck Workers are more efficient, loyal and creative when they feel a sense of purpose—when work has meaning (Feb. 5, 2010)
- EVENT: Motivation in Education Research Laboratory at the National Institute of Education in Singapore held inaugural seminar on motivation in education on January 19th with invited talks from Rich Ryan and Ed Deci on ‘Nurturing the Active Learner.’ Click here to download the slides
- STRAITS TIMES: Freedom expands learning: Letting them take charge, bonding with them will motivate them (Jan. 20, 2010)
- RESEARCH STUDY:“‘Weekend Effect’ Makes People Happier Regardless of Their Job” concludes SDT study to be published in the January 2010 issue of the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
- LOS ANGELES TIMES: Researchers say it’s official: TGIF, baby! (Jan. 15, 2010)
- NPR: ‘Drive’ Not Always Explained By Rewards (Jan. 4, 2010)
- RESEARCH STUDY: “Nature Makes Us More Caring” — Paying attention to the natural world not only makes you feel better, it makes you behave better, finds a new SDT study to be published October 1 in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
- AMERICAN SCIENTIST: The Moral Call of the Wild (Dec. 1, 2009)
- NEW YORK TIMES: When a Parent’s ‘I Love You’ Means ‘Do as I Say ‘ (Sept 14, 2009)
- ANOTHER SPECIAL ISSUE: “SDT, Physical Activity, and Well-Being” headlines the latest Hellenic Journal of Psychology
- SPECIAL ISSUE: SDT articles featured in Theory and Research in Education’s July 2009 special issue. We are pleased to see such a spectacular lineup!
- SPECIAL ISSUE: Gagné and Deci’s 2005 article, “Self-determination theory and work motivation,” appeared in the Journal of Organizational Behavior’s 30th anniversary edition as one of the 8 most influential articles published in JOB since its founding in 1980
- SPECIAL ISSUE: SDT articles featured in Theory and Research in Education’s July 2009 special issue.
- U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT: Happiness Has Nothing to Do with Wealth (June 4, 2009)
- Yahoo! FINANCE:Money & Happiness (June 4, 2009)
- ABC NEWS:Looks, Money, Fame Don’t Bring Happiness (May 23, 2009)
- SCIENCECENTRAL: Money vs. Happiness (May 15, 2009)
- RESEARCH STUDY: It’s commencement time, and SDT researchers say those valedictory speeches about how success isn’t measured in riches are more than mere platitudes. As this ScienCentral News video explains, they’ve found new evidence that “American Dream” achievements like wealth, fame and image are not the keys to happiness. This research will be published in the Journal of Research in Personality in June 2009
- NEWSDAY: AIG and the roots of greed and anger (Mar. 22, 2009)
- SCIENCE NEWS: Gamers crave control and competence, not carnage (Feb. 14, 2009)
- FORBES:Game, Not Gore, Keeps Video Players Playing (Jan. 16, 2009)
- RESEARCH STUDY: “Players Love the Game Not the Gore – Psychology Study Shows That Violence Does Not Motivate Video Game Players.” Study conducted by SDT investigators at the University of Rochester and Immersyve Inc. and published in the January issue of Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
- SPECIAL ISSUE: SDT articles featured in Canadian Psychology’s August 2008 special issue
- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR: Why your happiness matters to the planet (July 22, 2008)
- MSNBC:Doing Good Can Make You Feel Good (May 4, 2007)
- WASHINGTON POST:Why Video Games May Be Hard to Give Up (Jan. 15, 2007)
And if you have news you would like share, please contact us.