NEWLY RELEASED in May 2014…The Oxford Handbook of Work Motivation, Engagement, and Self-Determination Theory is edited by SDT Faculty, Marylène GagnĂ© and aims to give current and future organizational researchers ideas for future research using self-determination theory as a framework, and to give practitioners ideas on how to adjust their programs and practices using self-determination theory principles.
The book brings together self-determination theory experts and organizational psychology experts to talk about past and future applications of the theory to the field of organizational psychology. The book covers a wide range of topics, including: how to bring about commitment, engagement, and passion in the workplace; how to manage stress, health, emotions and violence at work; how to encourage safe and sustainable behavior in organizations; how factors like attachment styles, self-esteem, person-environment fit, job design, leadership, compensation, and training affect work motivation; and how work-related values and goals are forged by the work environment and affect work outcomes.