SDT Workshop on Education by Dr. Christopher NiemiecDecember 4, 2017 by Walter

New SDT Book by Ryan & Deci. Get your Special Discount Now!August 8, 2017 by Walter

The 2nd Printing of the Self-Determination Theory Book just released with embossed cover

This long-awaited book by Richard M. Ryan and Edward L. Deci is now available around the globe!  

North and South America
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Use discount code:  GUIL3
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Use discount code:  SDT20.
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This book is also available on Amazon

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New Straits Time: Gaming isn’t all badFebruary 13, 2017 by Walter

February 13, 2017 / By Aiman Maulana /

Once again, Self-Determination Theory’s research gains attention in Gaming. What are the surprising scientific evidences on gaming, and how do the basic psychological needs tap into gaming and wellbeing.

ISBNPA 2015 Pre-Conference EventJune 2, 2015 by Walter

    Applying Self-Determination Theory to 

    Health-Behavior Interventions

    June 2, 2015   9:00am to 5:00pm

    Edinburgh, Scotland

    International Conference Centre


ISBNPASelf-Determination Theory is one of the leading psychological theories on motivation & a powerful cornerstone to building a successful health initiative, program or intervention. In this training you will…Gain a deeper understanding of SDT principles & discover precisely why SDT provides a powerful framework for:
  • Improving motivation for behavior change
  • Cultivating value for important health behaviors
  • Creating meaningful goals

Learn to practically apply the SDT framework in actionable ways, helping researchers and practitioners translate theory into practice

Distinguish the SDT approach from other prominent interventions (MI, CBT, Stages of Change)

Learn how to utilize SDT in different modes of treatment delivery  (including mobile health, individual, and group modalities)

Explore how SDT is synergistic with your health initiatives, program, or intervention and can help create lasting change and improved long-term health outcomes


Expert Trainer: 
Jennifer La Guardia Ph.D.Dr. La Guardia is an established expert in the applications of SDT to healthcare. She has15+ years experience designing ‘live’, web-based, and mobile health interventions to promote health behavior change, manage chronic illness, and improve personal well-being. She also implements large scale interventions, designs metrics, and evaluates program effectiveness for employee and community wellness initiatives.


New York Times: Lawyers With Lowest Pay Report More HappinessMay 14, 2015 by Walter

May 13th 2015.

closeup of a gavel on cash, from above

The New York Times cites self-determination theory in their article, Lawyers with Lowest Pay Report More Happiness.

“Law students are famous for busting their buns to make high grades, sometimes at the expense of health and relationships, thinking, ‘Later I’ll be happy, because the American dream will be mine,’ ” said Lawrence S. Krieger, a law professor at Florida State University and an author of the study. “Nice, except it doesn’t work.”

The problem with the more prestigious jobs, said Mr. Krieger, is that they do not provide feelings of competence, autonomy or connection to others — three pillars of self-determination theory, the psychological model of human happiness on which the study was based. Public-service jobs do.

Read more at: Outdoor ‘green’ can fight the bluesJanuary 11, 2015 by Walter

boots at lake photoJanuary 11th 2014.
A study published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology in 2010 showed that spending even just 20 minutes a day in fresh air boosts vitality that is, having both physical and mental energy.
“Research has shown that people with a greater sense of vitality don’t just have more energy for things they want to do, they are also more resilient to physical illnesses,” said Richard Ryan, professor of psychology at the University of Rochester and an author of the study.

Read more at: 


By Michele S. Byers

Fast Company: How to turn your Monday into a day you actually enjoySeptember 25, 2014 by Walter

September 25th 2014.


calendar-numbers-dateStudies have found that having weekends to relax not only makes us happier, but healthier, too:

Far from frivolous, the relatively unfettered time on weekends provides critical opportunities for bonding with others, exploring interests and relaxing—basic psychological needs. -Richard Ryan, professor of psychology at the University of Rochester

One study on why people are happier on weekends found that autonomy and relatedness have a large part to play. On weekends we have more control over what we do (autonomy) and we often spend time with people we’re close to (relatedness). Compared to the external pressures many of us feel at work during the week and the weaker relationships we have with colleagues versus our friends and family, weekends tend to rate far higher than weekdays for these two things.

Read more at:

Originally reported by Belle Beth Cooper

Huffington Post: Hemingway, Thoreau, Jefferson and the Virtues of a Good Long WalkAugust 9, 2013 by Walter

August 9th 2013. 

“Rr-WALKING-VS-RUNNING-large570esearch has also shown similar benefits to simply being around nature. One study showed that spending time in natural settings makes us more generous and more community-oriented, a conclusion that has “implications not only for city planning but also for indoor design and architecture,” according to the study’s co-author Richard Ryan of the University of Rochester Medical Center. Another study by Dutch researchers showed that those who live within one kilometer of a park or wooded area suffer lower rates of depression and anxiety. Even if we don’t live amidst trees and greenery, we can always take a walk through them. When scaled up, this practice could have real societal consequences. “As health-care costs spiral out of control, it behooves us to think about our green space in terms of preventive health care,” saidDr. Kathryn Kotrla of the Texas A&M College of Medicine. “This highlights very clearly that our Western notion of body-mind duality is entirely false. The study shows that we are a whole organism, and when we get healthy that means our body and our mind get healthy.”

For the full story 

By Arianna Huffington

Huffington Post: Who is Driving Your Health and WellnessJuly 10, 2013 by Walter

July 10th 2013.


“Edward Deci and Richard Ryan, professors at the University of Rochester and developers of Self-Determination Theory, the most respected theory of human motivation, have shown that thriving results from satisfying three motivational drives: the desire to be autonomous: to make choices that are true to one’s core, not imposed by others or one’s inner critic; to be competent: using one’s strengths and becoming skilled in life tasks; and to be connected: doing things that support others. These core drives are alive in us when it comes to taking good care of our mental and physical health, but for many people they seem to get buried and hidden from light.

There are some people like me for whom health, fitness and self-care are non-negotiable; we discovered at some point that we are not sane, creative, productive or resilient otherwise. Or at least we would be operating well below the level we want to live with. So we invented and mastered a lifestyle that puts us in the driver’s seat. We built and sustain the energy and strength to handle whatever life throws our way.”

To read more:

By Margaret Moore.