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The Learning Climate Questionnaire (LCQ)

The LCQ has a long form containing 15 items and a short form containing 6 of the items. The questionnaire is typically used with respect to specific learning settings, such as a particular class, at the college or graduate school level. Thus, the questions are sometimes adapted slightly, at least in the instructions, so the wording pertains to the particular situation being studied–an organic chemistry class, for example. In these cases, the questions pertain to the autonomy support of an individual instructor, preceptor, or professor. If, however, it is being used to assess a general learning climate in which each student has several instructors, the questions are stated with respect to the autonomy support of the faculty members in general. Below, you will find the 15-item version of the questionnaire, worded in terms of my instructor. If you would like to use the 6-item version, simply reconstitute the questionnaire using only items # 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, and 14.


Main Questionnaire

Validation Articles

(2000) Science Education

The effects of instructors' autonomy support and students' autonomous motivation on learning organic chemistry: A self-determination theory perspective

Black, A. E. Deci, E. L.

(1997) Social Science and Medicine

Motivation underlying career choice for internal medicine and surgery

Williams, G. C. Saizow, R. Ross, L. Deci, E. L.

(1996) Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Internalization of biopsychosocial values by medical students: A test of self-determination theory

Williams, G. C. Deci, E. L.

(1994) Journal of General Internal Medicine

Medical student motivation for internal medicine

Williams, G. C. Wiener, M. W. Markakis, K. M. Reeve, J. Deci, E. L.