Heather Patrick

Ahn, I., Chiu, M. M., & Patrick, H. (2021). Connecting teacher and student motivation: Student-perceived teacher need-supportive practices and student need satisfaction. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 64, 101950. doi: 10.1016/j.cedpsych.2021.101950

Lindwall, M., Weman, K., Jonsson, L., Ivarsson, A., Ntoumanis, N., Patrick, H., Thogersen-Ntoumani, C., Markland, D. A., & Teixeira, P. J. (2017). Stirring the motivational soup: Within-person latent profiles of motivation in exercise. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 14, 4. doi: 10.1186/s12966-017-0464-4

Lindwall, M., Ivarsson, A., Weman-Josefsson, K., Jonsson, L., Ntoumanis, N., Patrick, H., Thogersen-Ntoumani, C., Markland, D. A., & Teixeira, P. J. (2017). Stirring the motivational soup: within- person latent profiles of motivation in exercise. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 14(4) doi: 10.1186/s12966-017-0464-4

Williams, G. C., Niemiec, C. P., Patrick, H., Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2016). . In , Outcomes of the Smoker’s Health Project: A pragmatic comparative effectiveness trial of tobacco-dependence interventions based on self-determination theory (Vol 31(6), pp. 749-759). : . doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/her/cyw046

Mcspadden, K. E., Patrick, H., Oh, A. Y., Yaroch, L. A., Dwyer, L. A., & Nebeling, L. C. (2016). The association between motivation and fruit and vegetable intake: The moderating role of social support. Appetite, 96, 87-94.

Coa, K., & Patrick, H. (2016). Baseline motivation type as a predictor of dropout in a healthy eating text messaging program. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, 4(3), e144. doi: 10.2196/mhealth.5992

Patrick, H., Gentry, M., Moss, J.D., & McIntosh, J. S. (2015). Understanding gifted and talented students’ motivation. In F. Dixon & S. Moon, The Handbook of Secondary Gifted Education, 2nd ed. (pp. 185-209). Waco, TX: Profrock Press.

Verstuyf, J., Patrick, H., Vansteenkiste, M., & Teixeira, P. J. (2012). Motivational dynamics of eating regulation: A self-determination theory perspective. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 9, 1-16. doi: 10.1186/1479-5868-9-21

Patrick, H., & Williams, G. C. (2012). Self-determination theory: Its application to health behavior and complementarity with motivational interviewing. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 9, 18.

Williams, G. C., Patrick, H., Niemiec, C. P., Ryan, R. M., Deci, E. L., & (2011). . In , The smoker’s health project: A self-determination theory intervention to facilitate maintenance of tobacco abstinence (Vol 32, pp. 535-543). : . doi: 10.1016/j.cct.2011.03.002

Patrick, H., & Canevello, A. (2011). . In , Methodological overview of a self-determination theory-based computerized intervention to promote leisure-time physical activity (Vol 12, pp. 13-19). : .

Teixeira, P. J., Patrick, H., & Mata, J. (2011). Why we eat what we eat: the role of autonomous motivation in eating behaviour regulation. Nutrition Bulletin, 36, 102–107.

Britton, P. C., Patrick, H., Wenzel, A., & Williams, G. C. (2011). Integrating motivational interviewing and self-determination theory with cognitive behavioral therapy to prevent suicide. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 18, 16–27.

Niemiec, C. P., Ryan, R. M., Patrick, H., Deci, E. L., & Williams, G. C. (2010). The energization of health-behavior change: Examining the associations among autonomous self-regulation, subjective vitality, depressive symptoms, and tobacco abstinence. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 5, 122-138. doi: 10.1080/17439760903569162

Patrick, H., Gorin, A. A., & Williams, G. C. (2010). Lifestyle change and maintenance in obesity treatment and prevention: A self-determination theory perspective. In L. Dube (Ed.), Obesity prevention: The role of brain and society on individual behavior (pp. 365-374). London, England: Academic Press.

Seymour, R. B., Hughes, S. L., Ory, M. G., Elliot, D. L., Kirby, K. C., Migneault, J., Patrick, H., Roll, J. M., & Williams, G. C. (2010). A lexicon for measuring maintenance of behavior change. American Journal of Health Behavior, 34, 660-668.

Ryan, R. M., Williams, G. C., Patrick, H., & Deci, E. L. (2009). Self-determination theory and physical activity: The dynamics of motivation in development and wellness. Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 6, 107-124.

Williams, G. C., Niemiec, C. P., Patrick, H., Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2009). . In , The importance of supporting autonomy and perceived competence in facilitating long-term tobacco abstinence (Vol 37, pp. 315-324). : . doi: 10.1007/s12160-009-9090-y

Fortier, M. S., Williams, G. C., Sweet, S. N., & Patrick, H. (2009). Self-determination theory: Process models for health behavior change. In R. J. DiClemente, R. A. Crosby, and M. C. Kegler (Eds.), Emerging theories in health promotion practice and research (pp. 157-183). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Williams, G. C., Patrick, H., Niemiec, C. P., Williams, L. K., Divine, G., Lafata, J. E., Heisler, M., Tunceli, K., & Pladevall M. (2009). Reducing the health risks of diabetes: How self-determination theory may help improve medication adherence and quality of life. The Diabetes Educator, 35, 484-492. doi: 10.1177/0145721709333856

Patrick, H., & Williams, G. C. (2009). Self-determination in medical education: Encouraging medical educators to be more like blues artists and poets. Theory and Research in Education, 7, 184-193.

La Guardia, J. G., & Patrick, H. (2008). Self-determination theory as a fundamental theory of close relationships. Canadian Psychology, 49, 201-209.

Ryan, R. M., Patrick, H., Deci, E. L., & Williams, G. C. (2008). . In , Facilitating health behaviour change and its maintenance: Interventions based on self-determination theory (Vol 10, pp. 2-5). : .

Patrick, H., Knee, C. R., Canevello, A., & Lonsbary, C. (2007). The role of need fulfillment in relationship functioning and well-being: A self-determination theory perspective. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92, 434-457. doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.92.3.434

Patrick, H., Hughes, S. O., Morales, M., & Nicklas, T. A. (2005). The benefits of authoritative feeding style: Caregiver feeding styles and children’s food consumption patterns. Appetite, 44, 243-249.

Knee, C. R., Lonsbary, C., Canevello, A., & Patrick, H. (2005). Self-determination and conflict in romantic relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 89, 997-1009.

Patrick, H., Neighbors, C., & Knee, C. R. (2004). Appearance-related social comparisons: The role of contingent self-esteem and self-perceptions of attractiveness. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30, 501-514.

Knee, C. R., Patrick, H., Vietor, N. A., Nanayakkara, A., & Neighbors, C. (2002). Self-determination as growth motivation in romantic relationships. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28(5), 609-619. doi: 10.1177/0146167202288005