A little fresh air

November 5, 2012 by Shannon

November 5th 2012.   “Nature is fuel for the soul,” said Richard Ryan, author and professor of psychology at the University of Rochester. “Nature is something within which we flourish, so having it be more a part of our lives is critical, especially when we live and work in built environments.”     Read more...

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Scientific American: Three Critical Elements Sustain Motivation

October 18, 2012 by Shannon

October 18th 2012.   :Whether you pursue an activity for its own sake or because external forces compel you, psychologists Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan of the University of Rochester argue that you gain motivation when you feel in charge. In evaluations of students, athletes and employees, the researchers have found that the...

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CNN: Backpacking for the Mind, Body and Soul

August 15, 2012 by Shannon

August 15 2012. Get off the grid and into the wild on an overnight backpacking trip. Backpackers are likely to experience the wilderness much more intimately than other types of travelers — and reap the benefits of physical exercise and mental refreshment at the same time. “A variety of studies show that even relatively brief...

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BBC News: Out at the Office: Loud and Proud

July 3, 2012 by Shannon

July 3rd 2012.   As people come out at younger and younger ages, experts say they are more likely to enter the workforce out of the closet and less likely to go back in for professional appearances – which will create a more inclusive work environment for employees of all ages. “Over a 20-year span...

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BBC: Does Money Really Motivate People?

May 10, 2012 by Shannon

May 10th 2012. Pioneering work in the field was carried out in the early 1970s by Edward Deci, a psychologist at Rochester University in New York. He found that students offered cash prizes to solve puzzles were less likely to continue working on them after payments had been made, compared to students who were offered no...

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The Guardian: What Can Business Leaders Learn From Ancient Greek Philosophers

May 4, 2012 by Shannon

May 4th 2012. Aristotle’s philosophy was an influence on Edward Deci and Richard Ryan’s Self-Determination Theory, which suggests that employees will work harder for you, and perform better, if you give them tasks they find meaningful and morally worthwhile. Humans want to believe in something and to serve it. Appeal to your employees’ best nature...

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Canada Globe and Mail: Can Homophobia Sometimes Mask Same-Sex Desire?

May 1, 2012 by Shannon

May 1st 2012.   That common put-down aimed at homophobic people – that they may, in fact, be gay themselves – may have some truth to it. Two researchers, Richard Ryan, a professor of psychology, psychiatry and education at the University of Rochester, and William Ryan, a doctoral student in psychology at the University of...

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