Huffington Post: NFL Draft Preparation: Put Your Money Where Your Mindset Is

March 3, 2013 by Shannon

March 3rd 2013. Nick Winkelman, the Director of Training Systems and Education at Athletes’ Performance’s Phoenix facility, has a mission to make his NFL hopefuls prepared for “the immensity of the moment.” He and his colleagues employ training techniques based on Self Determination Theory. Developed by Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan at the University...

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Press Release: New book by University of Queensland faculty

February 28, 2013 by Shannon

February 28th 2013.   A new book written by researchers from The University of Queensland and Queensland Health offers a unique guide for therapists and professionals to successfully work with children. The Art and Science of Motivation: A therapist’s guide to working with children, to be launched on March 4, uses Self Determination Theory (SDT)...

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Wired: Compelling Design is About Psychology, Not Technology

January 14, 2013 by Shannon

December 5th 2013. Image: niallkennedy/Flickr Don’t get me wrong: No one who’s held an iPhone can deny the appeal of beautifully designed technology. But what really makes a product stick has more to do with the psychology behind its design than its physical or functional features. It’s all about the how, not the what. Every...

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New York Times: Train a Parent, Spare a Child

January 11, 2013 by Shannon

January 11th 2013.   “Dr. Deci, now a professor of psychology at the University of Rochester, said the biggest problem with tangible rewards is that they actually work, at least in the short run. “If you want somebody to do something, and if you have enough money, you can get them do it,” he said....

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CNBC: Inside Employee Motivation: Does Money Really Make a Difference

November 26, 2012 by Shannon

November 26th 2012   “How do you keep your employees motivated? How do you show them that their work is valued? Many small business owners use bonuses or raises, and while everyone loves a little extra cash, motivating your team with money may not be as effective as you think. When used poorly, monetary rewards...

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Wired News: How ‘Gamification’ Can Make Your Customer Service Worse

November 14, 2012 by Shannon

November 14th 2012.   They call it gamification. The idea is to take familiar aspects of electronic games and apply them to customer support software and other applications used in the business world. This often involves awarding points for tasks and some sort of system for turning those points into other rewards, like a “badge” attached...

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Globe and Mail: When we’re at our best

November 12, 2012 by Shannon

November 12th 2012. “Richard Ryan, a professor of psychology at the University of Rochester in New York, studies human motivation and how it affects psychological well-being,” says The Wall Street Journal. “His work has shown that people who pursue extrinsic goals, such as money, image and fame, are less happy than those who focus on...

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