Lucas Matias Jeno

Ahmadi, A., Noetel, M., Parker, P., Ryan, R. M., Ntoumanis, N., Reeve, J., Jeno, L. M., Beauchamp, M., Dicke, T., Yeung, A., Ahmadi, M., Bartholomew, K., Chiu, T., Curren, R., & Erturan, G., Flunger, B. (2023). A classification system for teachers’ motivational behaviors recommended in self-determination theory interventions. Journal of Educational Psychology, 115(8), 1158–1176. doi: 10.1037/edu0000783

Alamer, A., Al Khateeb, A., & Jeno, L. M. (2023). Using WhatsApp increases language students' self-motivation and achievement, and decreases learning anxiety: A self-determination theory approach. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 39(2), 417-431. doi: 10.1111/jcal.12753

Johansen, M., Eliassen, S., & Jeno, L. M. (2023). “Why is this relevant for me?”: Increasing content relevance enhances student motivation and vitality. Frontiers in Psychology, 14 doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1184804

Johansen, M. O., Eliassen, S., & Jeno, L. M. (2023). The bright and dark side of autonomy: How autonomy support and thwarting relate to student motivation and academic functioning. Frontiers in Education, 8, 1153647. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2023.1153647

Jeno, L. M., Nylehn, J., Hole, T. N., Raaheim, A., Velle, G., & Vandvik, V. (2023). Motivational determinants of students’ academic functioning: The role of autonomy-support, autonomous motivation, and perceived competence. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 67(2), 194-211. doi: 10.1080/00313831.2021.1990125

Jeno, L. M., Egelandsdal, K., & Grytnes, J-A. (2022). A qualitative investigation of psychological need-satisfying experiences of a mobile learning application: a Self-Determination Theory approach. Computers and Education Open, 3, 100108. doi: 10.1016/j.caeo.2022.100108

Jeno, L. M., Diseth, A., & Grytnes, J-A. (2021). Testing the METUX model in higher education: Interface and task need–satisfaction predict engagement, learning, and well-being. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 631564. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.631564

Jeno, L. M., Dettweiler, U., & Grytnes, J.-A. (2020). The effects of goal-framing and need-supportive app on undergraduates´ intentions, effort, and achievement in mobile science learning. Computers & Education, 159, 1-14. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2020.104022

Jeno, L. M., Vandvik, V., Eliassen, S., & Grytnes, J.-A. (2019). Testing the novelty effect of an m-learning tool on internalization and achievement: A Self-Determination Theory approach.. Computers & Education, 128, 398-413. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2018.10.008

Yasue, M., Jeno, L. M., & Langdon, J. L. (2019). Are autonomously motivated university instructors more autonomy-supportive teachers?. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 13 doi: 10.20429/ijsotl.2019.130205

Jeno, L. M., Adachi, P. J. C., Grytnes, J.-A., Vandvik, V., & Deci, E. L. (2018). The effects of m-learning on motivation, achievement, and well-being: A Self-Determination Theory approach. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50, 669-683. doi: 10.1111/bjet.12657

Jeno, L. M., Danielsen, A. G., & Raaheim, A. (2018). A prospective investigation of students’ academic achievement and dropout in higher education: a Self-Determination Theory approach. Educational Psychology, 38, 1163-1184. doi: 10.1080/01443410.2018.1502412

Jeno, L. M., Raaheim, A., Kristensen, S. M., Kristensen, K. D., Hole, T. N., Haugland, M., & Maeland, S. (2017). The relative effect of team-based learning on motivation and learning: A self-determination theory perspective.. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 16 doi: 10.1187/cbe.17-03-0055

Jeno, L. M., Gryntes, J.-A., & Vandvik, V. (2017). The effect of a mobile-application tool on biology students´ motivation and achievement in species identification: A Self-Determination Theory perspective. Computers & Education, 107, 1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2016.12.011

Jeno, L. M. (2015). Encouraging Active Learning in Higher Education: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective. International Journal of Technology and Inclusive Education, 5, 716-721. doi: 10.20533/IJTIE.2047.0533.2015.0091

Jeno, L. M., & Diseth, A. (2014). A self-determination theory perspective on autonomy support, autonomous self-regulation, and perceived school performance. Reflecting Education, 9, 1-20.