Tim Kasser

Tagkaloglou, S., & Kasser, T. (2018). Increasing collaborative, pro-environmental activism: The roles of Motivational Interviewing, self-determined motivation, and self-efficacy. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 58, 86-92. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2018.06.004

Prentice, M., Kasser, T., & Sheldon, K. M. (2018). Openness to experience predicts intrinsic value shifts after deliberating one’s own death. Death Studies, 42(4), 205-215. doi: 10.1080/07481187.2017.1334016

Kasser, T. (2016). Materialistic Values and Goals. Annual Review of Psychology, 67, 489-514. doi: 10.1146/annurev-psych-122414-033344

Brown, K. W., Kasser, T., Ryan, R. M., & Konow, J. (2016). Materialism, spending, and affect: An event-sampling study of marketplace behavior and its affective costs. Journal of Happiness Studies, 17(6), 2277-2292. doi: 10.1007/s10902-015-9694-9

Guillen-Royo, M., & Kasser, T. (2015). Personal goals, socio-economic context and happiness: Studying a diverse sample in Peru. Journal of Happiness Studies, 16(2), 405-425. doi: 10.1007/s10902-014-9515-6

Kasser, T., Dungan, N., Rosenblum, K. L., Sameroff, A. J., Deci, E. L., Niemiec, C. P., Ryan, R. M., Osp, A., Bond, R., & Dittmar, H. (2014). . In , Changes in materialism, changes in psychological well-being: Evidence from three longitudinal studies and an intervention experiment (Vol 38, pp. 1-22). : . doi: 10.1007/s11031-013-9371-4

Dittmar, H., Bond, R., Hurst, M., & Kasser, T. (2014). The relationship between materialism and personal well-being: A meta-analysis. Personality Processes And Individual Differences, 107(5), 879-924. doi: 10.1037/a0037409

Kasser, T., & Kanner, A. (2013). . Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

Hurst, M., Dittmar, H., Bond, R., & Kasser, T. (2013). The relationship between materialistic values and environmental attitudes and behaviors: A meta-analysis. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 36, 257-269. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2013.09.003

Ferguson, Y. L., Kasser, T., & Jahng, S. (2011). Differences in life satisfaction and school satisfaction among adolescents from three nations: The role of perceived autonomy support. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21, 649-661.

Kasser, T. (2011). Cultural values and the well-being of future generations: A cross-national study. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 42, 206-215.

Kasser, T. (2011). Capitalism and autonomy. In V. I. Chirkov, R. M. Ryan, & K. M. Sheldon (Eds.), Human autonomy in cross-cultural context: Perspectives on the psychology of agency, freedom, and well-being (pp. 191-206). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

Kasser, T. (2011). Can thrift bring well-being? A review of the research and a tentative theory. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 5, 865-877.

Sheldon, K. M., Nichols, C. P., & Kasser, T. (2011). Americans recommend smaller ecological footprints when reminded of intrinsic American values of self-expression, family, and generosity. Ecopsychology, 3, 97-104.

Brown, K. W., Kasser, T., Ryan, R. M., Linley, P. A., & Orzech, K. (2009). When what one has is enough: Mindfulness, financial desire discrepancy, and subjective well-being. Journal of Research in Personality, 43, 727-736. doi: 10.1016/j.jrp.2009.07.002

Kim, Y., Carver, C. S., Deci, E. L., & Kasser, T. (2008). Adult attachment and psychological well-being in cancer caregivers: The meditational role of spouses’ motives for caregiving. Health Psychology, 27, S144-S154. doi: 10.1037/0278-6133.27.2(Suppl.).S144

Kasser, T., Cohn, S., Kanner, A. D., & Ryan, R. M. (2007). Some costs of American corporate capitalism: A psychological exploration of value and goal conflicts. Psychological Inquiry, 18, 1-22. doi: 10.1080/10478400701386579

Sheldon, K. M., Houser-Marko, L., & Kasser, T. (2006). Does autonomy increase with age? Comparing the goal motivations of college students and their parents. Journal of Research in Personality, 40, 168-178.

Brown, K. W., & Kasser, T. (2005). Are psychological and ecological well-being compatible? The role of values, mindfulness, and lifestyle. Social Indicators Research, 74, 349-368.

Grouzet, F. M., Sheldon, K. M., Kasser, T., Ahuvia, A., Dols, J. M. F., Kim, Y., Lau, S., Ryan, R. M., Saunders, S., & Schmuck, P. (2005). The structure of goals across 15 cultures. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 89, 800-816.

Sheldon, K. M., Kasser, T., Houser-Marko, L., Jones, T., & Turban, D. (2005). Doing one's duty: Chronological age, felt autonomy, and subjective well-being. European Journal of Personality, 19, 97-115.

Sheldon, K. M., Ryan, R. M., Deci, E. L., & Kasser, T. (2004). The independent effects of goal contents and motives on well-being: It's both what you pursue and why you pursue it. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30, 475-486.

Kasser, T., Ryan, R. M., Couchman, C.E., & Sheldon, K. M. (2004). . In T. Kasser & A.D. Kanner, (pp. 11-28). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Kim, Y., Kasser, T., & Lee, H. (2003). Self-concept, aspirations, and well-being in South Korea and the United States. Journal of Social Psychology, 143, 277-290.

Kasser, T., & Ahuvia, A. C. (2002). Materialistic values and well-being in business students. European Journal of Social Psychology, 32, 137-146. doi: 10.1002/ejsp.85

Kasser, T. (2002). Sketches for a self-determination theory of values. In E. L. Deci & R. M. Ryan (Eds.), Handbook of self-determination research (pp. 123-140). Rochester, NY: University Of Rochester Press.

Kasser, T. (2002). The high price of materialism. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Kasser, T., Koestner, R., & Lekes, N. (2002). Early family experiences and adult values: A 26-year, prospective longitudinal study. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28, 826-835. doi: 10.1177/0146167202289011

Sheldon, K. M., Elliot, A. J., Kim, Y., & Kasser, T. (2001). What is satisfying about satisfying events? Testing 10 candidate psychological needs. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 89, 325-339.

Sheldon, K. M., & Kasser, T. (2001). Getting older, Getting better? Personal strivings and psychological maturity across the life span. Developmental Psychology, 37(4), 491-501. doi: 10.1037/0012-1649.37.4.491

Sheldon, K. M., & Kasser, T. (2001). Goals, congruence, and positive well-being: New empirical validation for humanistic ideas. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 41, 30-50. doi: 10.1177/0022167801411004

Kasser, T., & Ryan, R. M. (2001). Be careful what you wish for: Optimal functioning and the relative attainment of intrinsic and extrinsic goals. In Peter Schmuck & Kennon M. Sheldon, (pp. 116-131). Gottingen: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers.

Schmuck, P., Kasser, T., & Ryan, R. M. (2000). The relationship of well-being to intrinsic and extrinsic goals in Germany and the U.S. Social Indicators Research, 50, 225-241. doi: 10.1023/A:1007084005278

Sheldon, K. M., & Kasser, T. (1998). Pursuing personal goals: Skills enable progress but not all progress is beneficial. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 24(12), 1319-1331. doi: 10.1177/01461672982412006

Deci, E. L., Kasser, T., & Ryan, R. M. (1997). Self-determined teaching in colleges and universities: Possibilities and obstacles. In J. Bess (Ed), Teaching well and liking it: Motivating faculty to teach effectively (pp. 57-71). Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Ryan, R. M., Sheldon, K. M., Kasser, T., & Deci, E. L. (1996). All goals are not created equal: An organismic perspective on the nature of goals and their regulation. In P. M. Gollwitzer & J. A. Bargh (Eds.), The psychology of action: Linking cognition and motivation to behavior (pp. 7-26). New York: Guilford Press.

Kasser, T. (1996). Aspirations and well-being in a prison setting. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 26, 1367-1377.

Kasser, T., & Ryan, R. M. (1996). Further examining the American dream: Differential correlates of intrinsic and extrinsic goals. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 22(3), 280-287. doi: 10.1177/0146167296223006

Sheldon, K. M., & Kasser, T. (1995). Coherence and congruence: Two aspects of personality integration. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 68, 531-543.

Kasser, T., Ryan, R. M., Zax, M., & Sameroff, A. J. (1995). The relations of maternal and social environments to late adolescents' materialistic and prosocial values. Developmental Psychology, 31(6), 907-914. doi: 10.1037/0012-1649.31.6.907

Ilardi, B. C., Leone, D., & Kasser, T. (1993). Employee and supervisor ratings of motivation: Main effects and discrepancies associated with job satisfaction and adjustment in a factory setting. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 23(21), 1789-1805. doi: 10.1111/j.1559-1816.1993.tb01066.x

Kasser, T., & Ryan, R. M. (1993). A dark side of the American dream: Correlates of financial success as a central life aspiration. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65(2), 410-422. doi: 10.1037//0022-3514.65.2.410

Ilardi, B. C., Leone, D., Kasser, T., & Ryan, R. M. (1993). Employee and supervisor ratings of motivation: Main effects and discrepancies associated with job satisfaction and adjustment in a factory setting. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 23, 1789-1805.

Kasser, T., Davey, J., & Ryan, R. M. (1992). Motivation, dependability, and employee-supervisor discrepancies in psychiatric vocational rehabilitation settings. Rehabilitation Psychology, 37(3), 175-187. doi: 10.1037//0090-5550.37.3.175

Kasser, T., Davey, J., & Ryan, R. M. (1992). Motivation and employee-supervisor discrepancies in a psychiatric vocational rehabilitation settings. Rehabilitation Psychology, 37, 175-187.